Submissions from 2012
Coastal Barriers - Nomenclature, Processes, and Classification Issues, Ervin G. Otvos
Waterborne Parasitic Diseases in Ocean, Robin M. Overstreet
Waterborne Parasitic Diseases in Ocean, Robin M. Overstreet
Impacts of Upstream Drought and Water Withdrawals on the Health and Survival of Downstream Estuarine Oyster Populations, Laura E. Petes, Alicia J. Brown, and Carley R. Knight
In Vitro Assessment of the Chemotherapeutic Action of a Specific Hydrogen Peroxide, Peracetic, Acetic, and Peroctanoic Acid-Based Formulation Against the Free-Living Stages of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ciliophora), Sara M. Picón-Camacho, Mar Marcos-López, Alexandre Beljean, Sylvain Debeaume, and Andrew P. Shinn
Evaluating Macrobenthic Process Indicators in Relation to Organic Enrichment and Hypoxia, Chet F. Rakocinski
Apocuma (Cumacea: Bodotriidae): Two New Species From the West-Atlantic and a Significant Extension of the Known Distribution of This Genus in the Atlantic Ocean, Daniel Roccatagliata, Natalie A. Alberico, and Richard W. Heard
Conservation Genetics and Management of Yellowtail Snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus, in the US Caribbean and South Florida, Eric A. Saillant, Mark A. Renshaw, Nancie J. Cummings, and John R. Gold
Aspects of the Reproductive Biology of Two Archer Fishes Toxotes chatareus, (Hamilton 1822) and Toxotes jaculatrix (Pallas 1767), K.D. Simon, Y. Bakar, A.G. Mazlan, C.C. Zaidi, A. Samat, A. Arshad, Shelby E. Temple, and Nancy J. Brown-Peterson
Maturation and Age in Queen Conch (Strombus gigas): Urgent Need for Changes in Harvest Criteria, Allan W. Stoner, Karl W. Mueller, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, Martha H. Davis, and Catherine J. Booker
Habitat Function of a Restored Salt Marsh: Post-Larval Gulf Killifish As a Sentinel, Deborah N. Vivian, Chet F. Rakocinski, and Mark S. Peterson
Modeling Photosynthesis of Spartina alterniflora (Smooth Cordgrass) Impacted by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Using Bayesian Inference, Wei Wu, Patrick D. Biber, Mark S. Peterson, and Chongfeng Gong
Submissions from 2011
Daily Food Intake of Kajikia audax (Philippi, 1887) off Cabo San Lucas, Gulf of California, Mexico, Leonardo A. Abítia-Cárdenas, Felipe Galván-Magaña, Víctor H. Cruz-Escalona, Mark S. Peterson, and Jesús Rodríguez-Romano
Genetic Variation of Gray Triggerfish in US Waters of the Gulf of Mexico and Western Atlantic Ocean as Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA Sequences, Luca Antoni, Nicholas Emerick, and Eric A. Saillant
A New Species of Shallow-water Metapseudid (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Peracarida: Tanaidacea) from Bermuda (Caribbean), Magdalena Błaźewicz-Paszkowycz, Richard W. Heard, and Roger Bamber
A Standardized Terminology for Describing Reproductive Development in Fishes, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson
Emerging Issues and Methodological Advances in Fisheries Reproductive Biology, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson
Impacts of Cyclic Hypoxia on Reproductive and Gene Expression Patterns in the Grass Shrimp: Field Versus Laboratory Comparison, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, C. Steve Manning, Nancy D. Denslow, and Marius Brouwer
Population Structure, Long-Term Connectivity, and Effective Size of Mutton Snapper (Lutjanus analis) In the Caribbean Sea and Florida Keys, Evan W. Carson, Eric A. Saillant, Mark A. Renshaw, Nancie J. Cummings, and John R. Gold
The Rise of Ruppia In Seagrass Beds: Changes In Coastal Environment and Research Needs, Hyun Jung Cho, Patrick Biber, and Cristina Nica
Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Nutrient Status of Macroalgae In a Heavily Managed Region of Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA, Ligia Collado-Vides, Viviana Mazzei, Travis Thyberg, and Diego Lirman
Phylogenetic Affinities of Auriculostoma (Digenea: Allocreadiidae), with Descriptions of Two New Species From Peru, Stephen S. Curran, Vasyl V. Tkach, and Robin Overstreet
Systematic revision of the family Kalliapseudidae (Crustacea: Tanaidacea), David T. Drumm and Richard W. Heard
Differences in Relative Predation Vulnerability Between Native and Non-native Oyster Larvae and the Influence on Restoration Planning in an Estuarine Ecosystem, Richard S. Fulford, Denise L. Breitburg, and Mark Luckenbach
An Ecological Model of the Habitat Mosaic in Estuarine Nursery Areas: Part I-Interaction of Dispersal Theory and Habitat Variability in Describing Juvenile Fish Distributions, Richard S. Fulford, Mark S. Peterson, and Paul O. Grammer
Genetic Divergence and Effective Size among Lane Snapper in US Waters of the Western Atlantic Ocean, John R. Gold, Eric A. Saillant, Nancie J. Cummings, and Mark A. Renshaw
Enumeration of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Viable But Nonculturable State Using Direct Plate Counts and Recognition of Individual Gene Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization, Kimberly J. Griffitt, Nicholas F. Noriea III, Crystal N. Johnson, and Darrell Jay Grimes
Investigation of Acute Nanoparticulate Aluminum Toxicity in Zebrafish, Robert J. Griffitt, April Feswick, Roxana Weil, Kelly Hyndman, Paul Carpinone, Kevin Powers, Nancy D. Denslow, and David S. Barber
Akanthoparapseudes alfaroae, a New Genus and Species of Apseudomorphan Tanaidacean (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Peracarida) from Puerto Rican Coastal Waters, Richard W. Heard and Andrés G. Morales-Núñez
Contributions of Fungi to Carbon Flow and Nutrient Cycling from Standing Dead Typha angustifolia Leaf Litter in a Temperate Freshwater Marsh, K.A. Kuehn, B.M. Ohsowski, S.N. Francoeur, and R.K. Neely
Comparative Development of Five Sympatric Coastal Fundulid Species From the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Erik T. Lang, Mark S. Peterson, and William T. Slack
Distribution, Abundance, and Habitat Characterization of the Saltmarsh Topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi (Everman 1892), John D. Lopez, Mark S. Peterson, Jake Walker, Gretchen L. Grammer, and Mark S. Woodrey
Omics in Aquatic Toxicology: Not Just Another Microarray, Christopher J. Martyniuk, Robert J. Griffitt, and Nancy D. Denslow
Susceptibility and Tolerance of Spotted Seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, and Red Snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, to Experimental Infections With Amyloodinium ocellatum, Ignacio Masson, Reginald B. Blaylock, and Jeffrey M. Lotz
Seasonal Variability in Morphology of Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus, Megalopae and Early Juvenile Stage Crabs, and Distinguishing Characteristics Among Co-Occurring Portunidae, Matthew B. Ogburn, Kenneth C. Stuck, Richard W. Heard, Shiao Y. Wang, and Richard B. Forward Jr.
Physiological and Endocrinological Responses of Callinectes sapidus to Loxothylacus Infection, Robin M. Overstreet
Hematodinium SP Infections in the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus From the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Robin M. Overstreet and Jeffrey M. Lotz
Symbiotic and Free-Living Ciliates Associated with Callinectes sapidus and Other Decapods, Robin M. Overstreet and Hongwei Ma
Development of New Fisheries in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Using Hatchery-Reared Blue Crabs, Harriet M. Perry
Two New Species of Heteromysis (Olivemysis) (Mysida, Mysidae, Heteromysinae) From the Tropical Northwest Atlantic with Diagnostics On the Subgenus Olivemysis Băcescu, 1968, W. Wayne Price and Richard W. Heard
Water Quality Dynamics and Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Production in Intensive, Mesohaline Culture Systems With Two Levels of Biofloc Management, Andrew J. Ray, Kevin S. Dillon, and Jeffrey M. Lotz
Differences in Chemical Dynamics Between Chemoautotrophic and Three Different Heterotrophic Biofloc-Based Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Culture Systems, Andrew J. Ray, Christopher C. Farno, Binnaz Bailey, and Verlee M. Breland
Climate-Related Hydrological Regimes and Their Effects on Abundance of Juvenile Blue Crabs (Callinectes sapidus) in the Northcentral Gulf of Mexico, Guillermo Sanchez-Rubio, Harriet M. Perry, Patricia M. Biesiot, Donald R. Johnson, and Romuald N. Lipcius
Oceanic-Atmospheric Modes of Variability and Their Influence On Riverine Input to Coastal Louisiana and Mississippi, Guillermo Sanchez-Rubio, Harriet M. Perry, Patricia M. Biesiot, Donald R. Johnson, and Romuald N. Lipcius
Survival, Growth and Reproduction of Non-Indigenous Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus 1758). I. Physiological Capabilities in Various Temperatures and Salinities, Pamela J. Schofield, Mark S. Peterson, Michael R. Lowe, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, and William T. Slack
Discovery of a New Genus of Tanaidacean (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Mirandotanaidae) Found Associated With a Deep-Sea Terebellid Polychaete, Eduardo Suárez-Morales, Mario Londoño-Mesa, and Richard W. Heard
Variation in Body Size of Two Species of Supralittoral Talitrids (Amphipoda, Talitroidea) From the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coasts of North America, D.J. Wildish, A. Kraft, G.W. Pohle, and Sara E. Lecroy
Submissions from 2010
Spawning Aggregation of Beardfish, Polymixia lowei, in a Deep-Water Sinkhole off the Florida Keys, Rex E. Baumberger, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, John K. Reed, and R. Grant Gilmore Jr.
Seed Propagation Protocol for Wigeongrass (Ruppia maritima) (Mississippi), Hyun J. Cho and Patrick D. Biber
Effects of Cadmium on Hypoxia-Induced Expression of Hemoglobin and Erythropoietin in Larval Sheepshead Minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus, A. J. Dangre, S. Manning, and Marius Brouwer
A New Species of Mesokalliapseudes Lang, 1956 (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Kalliapseudidae) from Puerto Rico, With Remarks On the Genus, David T. Drumm, Andrés G. Morales-Núñez, and Mary K. Wickster
Barrier Islands: Coupling Anthropogenic Stability with Ecological Sustainability, Rusty A. Feagin, William K. Smith, Norbert P. Psuty, Donald R. Young, Marisa Luisa Martínez, Gregory A. Carter, Kelly L. Lucas, Noam Levin, Jane N. Gemma, and Richard E. Koske
Bathymetric Zonation of Deep-Sea Macrofauna in Relation to Export of Surface Phytoplankton Production, John M. Foster, Chin-Lin Wei, Gilbert T. Rowe, G. Fain Hubbard, Amélie H. Scheltema, George D.F. Wilson, Iorgu Petrescu, Min Chen, Roe Davenport, Yousria Soliman, and Yuning Wang
Evaluating Ecosystem Response to Oyster Restoration and Nutrient Load Reduction With a Multispecies Bioenergetics Model, Richard S. Fulford, Denise L. Breitburg, Mark Luckenbach, and Roger I.E. Newell
Population Structure of Carite (Scomberomorus brasiliensis) in Waters Offshore of Trinidad and Northern Venezuela, John R. Gold, A.M.C. Jobity, Eric A. Saillant, and Mark A. Renshaw
Plasma Steroid Concentrations of Adult Male Atlantic Sharpnose Sharks, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, With Notes on Potential Long Term Shifts in Reproductive Timing, Eric R. Hoffmayer, James A. Sulikowski, Jill M. Hendon, and Glenn R. Parsons
Relationships Between Environmental Factors and Pathogenic Vibrios in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Crystal N. Johnson, Adrienne R. Flowers, Nicholas F. Noriea III, A.M. Zimmerman, John C. Bowers, Angelo DePaola, and Darrell Jay Grimes
Short-term Effects of First-prey Type and Number on Survival and Growth of Intensively Cultured Spotted Seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus (Sciaenidae), Larvae, Jason T. Lemus, Reginald B. Blaylock, Angelos Apeitos, and Jeffrey M. Lotz
Linking Probe Thermodynamics to Microarray Quantification, Shuzhao Li, Alexander Pozhitkov, and Marius Brouwer
Constructing a Fish Metabolic Network Model, Shuzhao Li, Alexander Pozhitkov, Rachel A. Ryan, Charles Steve Manning, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, and Marius Brouwer
Estimating Vascular Plant Species Richness on Horn Island, Mississippi Using Small-Footprint Airborne LIDAR, Kelly L. Lucas, Gregory A. Carter, and George T. Raber
First Report of Viral Pathogens WSSV and IHHNV in Argentine Crustaceans, Sergio R. Martorelli, Robin M. Overstreet, and Jean A. Jovonovich
Saltipedis (Spinosaltipedis) puertoricensis, a New Subgenus and Species of Apseudomorphan (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Parapseudidae) From Coastal Waters off Culebra Island, Puerto Rico, With Keys and Taxonomic Observations, Andrés G. Morales-Núñez, Richard W. Heard, Mónica Alfaro, and Margaret Bogle
Distribution of Type III Secretion Systems in Vibrio Parahaemolyticus From the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Nicholas F. Noriea III, Crystal N. Johnson, Kimberly J. Griffitt, and Darrell Jay Grimes
Leech Collections from Washington State, with the Description of Two New Species of Placobdella (Annelida: Glossiphoniidae), Alejandro Oceguera-Figueroa, Sebastian Kvist, Sara C. Watson, Dominic F. Sankar, Robin M. Overstreet, and Mark E. Siddall
Evolution of the Trypanorhynch Tapeworms: Parasite Phylogeny Supports Independent Lineages of Sharks and Rays, Peter D. Olson, Janine N. Caira, Kirsten Jensen, Robin M. Overstreet, Harry W. Palm, and Ian Beveridge
Examination of Homalometron elongatum Manter, 1947 and Description of a New Congener from Eucinostomus currani Zahuranec, 1980 in the Pacific Ocean off Costa Rica, Jessica H. Parker, Stephen S. Curran, Robin M. Overstreet, and Vasyl V. Tkach
Generation, Analysis and Functional Annotation of Expressed Sequence Tags From the Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus), Mehdi Pirooznia, Alexander Pozhitkov, Edward J. Perkins, Youping Deng, and Marius Brouwer
Beyond Affymetrix Arrays: Expanding the Set of Known Hybridization Isotherms and Observing Pre-Wash Signal Intensities, Alexander Pozhitkov, Idrissa Boube, Marius Brouwer, and Peter A. Noble
Mycorrhizal Fungi Associations With Four Salt Marsh Species, Melissa Pratt-Zossoungbo and Patrick D. Biber
Clouds and Cloud Immersion Alter Photosynthetic Light Quality in a Temperate Mountain Cloud Forest, Keith Reinhardt, William K. Smith, and Gregory A. Carter
Remotely Sensed Spectral Heterogeneity As a Proxy of Species Diversity: Recent Advances and Open Challenges, Duccio Rocchini, Niko Balkenhol, Gregory A. Carter, Giles M. Foody, Thomas W. Gillespie, Kate S. He, Salit Kark, Kelly L. Lucas, Miska Luoto, Harini Nagendra, Jens Oldeland, Carlo Ricotta, Jane Southworth, and Markus Neteler
Marine Fungal Diversity: A Comparison of Natural and Created Salt Marshes of the North-Central Gulf of Mexico, Allison K. Walker and Jinx Campbell
Effects of Light and Temperature On Germination of Pyxidanthera brevifolia Wells (Diapensiaceae), Wade A. Wall, Jacob L. Hilton, Thomas R. Wentworth, Janet B. Gray, Matthew G. Hohmann, and William A. Hoffman
Impact of Climate Change On Three-Dimensional Dynamic Critical Load Functions, Wei Wu and Charles T. Driscoll
Submissions from 2009
Environmental Effects on Fish Sex Determination and Differentiation, J.F. Baroiller, H. D'Cotta, and Eric A. Saillant
Nutrient Enrichment and Fisheries Exploitation: Interactive Effects on Estuarine Living Resources and Their Management, Denise L. Breitburg, J.K. Craig, Richard S. Fulford, K.A. Rose, W.R. Boynton, D.C. Brady, B.J. Ciotti, K.D. Friedland, J.D. Hagy III, D.R. Hart, A.H. Hines, E.D. Houde, S.E. Kolesar, S.W. Nixon, J.A. Rice, D.H. Secor, and T.E. Targett
Massive Visceral Pentastomiasis Caused by Porocephalus crotali in a Dog, M.D. Brookins, J.F.X. Wellehan Jr., J.F. Roberts, K. Allison, Stephen S. Curran, A.L. Childress, and E.C. Greiner
Interspawning Interval of Wild Female Three-Spined Stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus in Alaska, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson and D.C. Heins
Historical Account of the Two Family-Group Names In Use For the Single Accepted Family Comprising the "Fish Blood Flukes", Stephen A. Bullard, Kirsten Jensen, and Robin M. Overstreet
Koralionastetales, A New Order of Marine Ascomycota in the Sordariomycetes, Jinx Campbell, Patrik Inderbitzin, Jan Kohlmeyer, and Brigitte Volkmann-Kohlmeyer
Evolutionary Relationships Between Aquatic Anamorphs and Teleomorphs: Tricladium and Varicosporium, Jinx Campbell, Ludmila Marvanová, and Vladislav Gulis
Microarray Analysis of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Mixture-Induced Changes in Gene Expression Among Atlantic Tomcod Populations Displaying Differential Sensitivity to Halogenated Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Erik A. Carlson, Nirmal K. Roy, and Isaac I. Wirgin
Decadal-Scale Changes In Seagrass Coverage On the Mississippi Barrier Islands, Northern Gulf of Mexico, Gregory A, Carter; Gabriel A. Blossom; G. Alan Criss; and Patrick D. Biber
Diel Hypoxia in Marsh Creeks Impairs the Reproductive Capacity of Estuarine Fish Populations, Ann O. Cheek, Christie A. Landry, Stacy L. Steele, Steve Manning, and Steve Manning
The Rise of Ruppia In Seagrass Beds: Changes In Coastal Environment and Research Needs, Hyun Jung Cho, Patrick Biber, and Cristina Nica
Validation of Yellowedge Grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatus, Age Using Nuclear Bomb-Produced Radiocarbon, Melissa Cook, Gary R. Fitzhugh, and James S. Franks
Caecincola longiscens n. sp (Digenea: Cryptogonimidae) from the White Crappie, Pomoxis annularis, in Mississippi, USA, Stephen S. Curran and Robin M. Overstreet
Nagmia rodmani n. sp., Nagmia cisloi n. sp., and Probolitrema richiardii (Lopez, 1888) (Gorgoderidae: Anaporrhutinae) from Elasmobranchs in the Gulf of California, Mexico, Stephen S. Curran and Robin M. Overstreet
Rhipidocotyle tridecapapillata n. sp and Prosorhynchoides potamoensis n. sp (Digenea: Bucephalidae) from Inland Fishes in Mississippi, USA, Stephen S. Curran and Robin M. Overstreet
My Two Boots ... A Walk Through the Wetlands. An Annual Outing for 700 Middle School Students, Julie Cwikla, Mark LaSalle, and Sybil Wilner
Variability in the Reproductive Cycle of Finetooth Sharks, Carcharhinus isodon, in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, William B. Driggers III and Eric R. Hoffmayer
Conservation Genetics of Gray Snapper (Lutjanus griseus) in US Waters of the Northern Gulf of Mexico and Western Atlantic Ocean, John R. Gold, Eric A. Saillant, N. Danielle Ebelt, and Siya Lem
Fecundity and Embryo Diameter of Primiparous and Multiparous Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus, in Mississippi Waters, Darcie J. Graham, Harriet Perry, and Richard Fulford
Comparison of Molecular and Histological Changes in Zebrafish Gills Exposed to Metallic Nanoparticles, Robert J. Griffitt, Kelly Hyndman, Nancy D. Denslow, and David S. Barber
What Genomic Sequence Information Has Revealed About Vibrio Ecology in the Ocean-A Review, Darrell Jay Grimes, Crystal N. Johnson, Kevin S. Dillon, Adrienne R. Flowers, Nicholas F. Noriea III, and Tracy Berutti
Size Related Variability in the Summer Diet of the Blackfin Tuna (Thunnus atlanticus Lesson, 1831) from Tobago, the Lesser Antilles, Maren Headley, Hazel A. Oxenford, Mark S. Peterson, and P. Fanning
Genetic Relatedness Among tdh (+) and trh (+) Vibrio parahaemolyticus Cultured from Gulf of Mexico Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and Surrounding Water and Sediment, C. N. Johnson, A. R. Flowers, V. C. Young, N. Gonzalez-Escalona, A. DePaola, N. F. Noriea III, and D.J. Grimes
Red Snapper Larval Transport in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Donald R. Johnson, Harriet M. Perry, Joanne Lyczkowski-Shultz, and David Hanisko
How Quality, Value, Image, and Satisfaction Create Loyalty at a Chinese Telecom, Fujun Lai, Mitch Griffin, and Barry J. Babin