Coastal Sciences, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Faculty Publications | School of Ocean Science and Engineering | The University of Southern Mississippi


Submissions from 2006


Discussion of: FROEDE, C.R., JR., 2006. The Impact That Hurricane Ivan (September 16, 2004) Made Across Dauphin Island, Alabama. Journal of Coastal Research, 22(2), 561-573, Ervin G. Otvos


Discussion of: Froede, C.R., Jr., 9 2006. A Hurricane Frederic-Generated Storm-Surge Deposit Exposed Along a Surf-Zone Foredune Scarp on Dauphin Island, Alabama, USA Journal of Coastal Research, 22, 371-376, Ervin G. Otvos


Reply to Letter to the Editor from Goman and Leigh re: Quaternary Research 63, 368-373, Ervin G. Otvos


Baseline Mapping of Phragmites australis (Common Reed) In Three Coastal Mississippi Estuarine Basins, Mark S. Peterson and Melissa L. Partyka


Foraging in Non-Native Environments: Comparison of Nile Tilapia and Three Co-Occurring Native Centrarchids In Invaded Coastal Mississippi Watersheds, Mark S. Peterson, William T. Slack, Gretchen L. Waggy, Jeremy Finley, Christa M. Woodley, and Melissa L. Partyka


Effects of Elevated Temperature and Nickel Pollution On the Immune Status of Japanese Medaka, C. Prophete, E.A. Carlson, Y Li, J. Duffy, B. Steinetz, S. Lasano, and J.T. Zelikoff


Do Abiotic Factors Drive the Early Growth of Juvenile Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus)?, Chet R. Rakocinski, Mark S. Peterson, Bruce H. Comyns, Glenn A. Zapfe, and Gregory L. Fulling


Reducing the Effects of Dredged Material Levees On Coastal Marsh Function: Sediment Deposition and Nekton Utilization, Denise J. Reed, Mark S. Peterson, and Brian J. Lezina


Phylogenetic Relationship of Alexandrium mondatum (Dinophyceae) to Other Alexandrium Species Based On 18S Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequences, John E. Rogers, Jeffrey E. Leblond, and Cynthia A. Moncreiff

Submissions from 2005


Morphological Diversity of the Cynoscion Group (Perciformes: Sciaenidae) in the Gulf of Guayaquil Region, Ecuador: A Comparative Approach, Windsor E. Aguirre and Virginia R. Shervette


The Pathogenic Copepod Phrixocephalus cincinnatus (Copepoda: Pennellidae) In the Eye of Arrowtooth Flounder, Atherestes stomias, and Rex Sole, Glyptocephalus zachirus, From British Columbia, Reginald B. Blaylock, Robin M. Overstreet, and A. Morton


Observations on Cumacea (Malacostraca: Peracarida) from Antarctic and Subantarctic Waters. II. The Rediscovery and Redescriptions of Diastylis hammoniae Zimmer, 1902 and Diastylis planifrons Calman, 1912, Magdalena Błaźewicz-Paszkowycz and Richard W. Heard


Molecular Indicators of Hypoxia in the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, Patrick Larkin, Nacy Denslow, Christina King, Steve Manning, and Marius Brouwer


Neotypification of Lulworthia fucicola, Jinx Campbell


A Re-Evaluation of Lulworthiales: Relationships Based on 18S and 28S rDNA, Jinx Campbell, Brigitte Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, Tom Grafenhan, Joseph W. Spatafora, and Jan Kohlmeyer


Feeding Habits and Trophic Morphology of Inshore Lizardfish (Synodus foetens) On the Central Continental Shelf off Veracruz, Gulf of Mexico, V.H. Cruz-Escalona, Mark S. Peterson, L. Campos-Dávila, and M Zetina-Rejon


Diagnostic Criteria for Proliferative Thyroid Lesions In Bony Fishes, John W. Fournie, Marilyn J. Wolfe, Jeffrey C. Wolf, Lee A. Courtney, Rodney D. Johnson, and William E. Hawkins


Population Genetic and Phylogeographic Structure of Wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, From the Western Central Atlantic and Central Pacific Oceans, A.F. Garber, M.D. Tringali, and James S. Franks


Using Nowcast Model Currents to Explore Transport of Non-Indigenous Jellyfish Into the Gulf of Mexico, Donald R. Johnson, Harriet M. Perry, and William M. Graham


Brain Aromatase in Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes): Molecular Characterization and Role in Xenoestrogen-Induced Sex Reversal, Adam J. Kuhl, Steve Manning, and Marius Brouwer


Effect of Chronic Taura Syndrome Virus Infection On Salinity Tolerance of Litopenaeus vannamei, Jeffrey M. Lotz, Lesber Salazar Anton, and M. Andres Soto


Growth Inhibition as Indicator of Stress Because of Atrazine Following Multiple Toxicant Exposure of the Freshwater Macrophyte, Juncus effusus L., Thomas F. Lytle and Julia S. Lytle


Gulf Coastal Plain Evolution In West Louisiana: Heavy Mineral Provenance and Pleistocene Alluvial Chronology, Maria A. Mange and Ervin G. Otvos


Spread of an Exotic Fish-Gill Trematode: A Far-Reaching and Complex Problem, Andrew J. Mitchell, Robin M. Overstreet, Andrew E. Goodwin, and Thomas M. Brandt


Effects of Depleted Uranium On Survival, Growth, and Metamorphosis in the African Clawed Frog (Xenopus laevis), Sarah E. Mitchell, Colleen A. Caldwell, Gil Gonzales, William R. Gould, and Richard Arimoto


Coastal Barriers, Gulf of Mexico: Holocene Evolution and Chronology, Ervin G. Otvos


Holocene Aridity and Storm Phases, Gulf and Atlantic Coasts, USA, Ervin G. Otvos


Numerical Chronology of Pleistocene Coastal Plain and Valley Development; Extensive Aggradation During Glacial Low Sea-Levels, Ervin G. Otvos


Presentation of the 2005 ASP Distinguished Service Award to Ralph Lichtenfels, Robin M. Overstreet


Seasonal Changes In the Distribution and Relative Abundance of the Atlantic Sharpnose Shark Rhizoprionodon terraenovae In the North Central Gulf of Mexico, Glenn R. Parsons and Eric R. Hoffmayer


The Occurrence of Non-Indigenous Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus) in Coastal Mississippi, USA: Ties to Aquaculture and Thermal Effluent, Mark S. Peterson, William T. Slack, and Christa M. Woodley


Early Blue Crab Recruitment to Alternative Nursery Habitats in Mississippi, USA, Chet R. Rakocinski and Donna Drury McCall


A New Species of Parapinnixa (Decapoda: Brachyura: Pinnotheridae) From Isla del Coco, Costa Rica, Brent P. Thoma, Richard W. Heard, and Rita Vargas


Time course of necrotizing hepatopancreatitis (NHP) in experimentally infected Litopenaeus vannamei and quantification of NHP-bacterium using real-time PCR, Amanda G. Vincent and Jeffrey M. Lotz

Submissions from 2004


Life-history Variation in Caribbean Gambusia, Gambusia puncticulata puncticulata (Poeciliidae) from the Cayman Islands, British West Indies, Michael A. Abney and Chet R. Rakocinski


A Second Species of Arctic Shark: Pacific Sleeper Shark Somniosus pacificus from Point Hope, Alaska, George W. Benz, Richard Hocking, Abraham Kowunna Sr., Stephen A. Bullard, and John C. George


Kudoa hypoepicardialis N. sp (Myxozoa: Kudoidae) and Associated Lesions from the Heart of Seven Perciform Fishes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Reginald B. Blaylock, Stephen A. Bullard, and Christopher M. Whipps


Effects of Hypoxia on Gene and Protein Expression in the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus, Marius Brouwer, Patrick Larkin, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, Christina King, Steve Manning, and Nancy Denslow


New Locality Records for Dermophthirius carcharhini (Monogenea: Microbothriidae) and Dermophthirius maccallumi and a List of Hosts and Localities for Species of Dermophthirius, Stephen A. Bullard, Susan M. Dippenaar, Eric R. Hoffmayer, and George W. Benz


Cardicola forsteri (Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) from the Heart of a Northern Bluefin Tuna, Thunnas thynnus (Scombridae), in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, Stephen A. Bullard, Robert J. Goldstein, Robert H. Goodwin III, and Robin M. Overstreet


Two New Species of Cardicola (Digenea: Sangulnicolidae) in Drums (Sciaenidae) from Mississippi and Louisiana, Stephen A. Bullard and Robin M. Overstreet


New Genus With Two New Species of Capsalid monogeneans From Dasyatids in the Gulf of California, Stephen A. Bullard, Raphael R. Payne, and Jeffrey S. Braswell


Effects of Salinity on Growth and Molting of Sympatric Callinectes spp. from Camaronera Lagoon, Veracruz, Mexico, Sergio Cházaro-Olvera and Mark S. Peterson


Translocation as a Strategy to Rehabilitate the Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) Population in the Florida Keys, Gabriel A. Delgado, Claudine T. Bartels, Robert A. Glazer, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, and Kevin J. McCarthy


Records of and Observations on Tanaidaceans (Peracarida) From Shallow Waters of the Caribbean Coast of Mexico, María Del Socorro Garcia-Madrigal, Richard W. Heard, and Eduardo Suárez-Morales


Mx [3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2[5H]-furanone], a Drinking-Water Carcinogen, Does Not Induce Mutations in the Liver of cll Transgenic Medaka (Oryzias latipes), David R. Geter, Richard N. Winn, John W. Fournie, Michelle B. Norris, Anthony B. DeAngelo, and William E. Hawkins


Shallow-Water Mysida (Crustacea : Mysidacea) of Bahrain (Arabian Gulf): Species Composition, Abundance and Life History Characteristics of Selected Species, Stephen A. Grabe, W. Wayne Price, Ebrahim A.A. Abdulqader, and Richard W. Heard Jr.

So Many Microbes, So Little Time, and So Little Money: Needs and Challenges In Developing a Global Network of Biological Resource Centers, D. Jay Grimes


Prevalence of Parasites In Amphipods Diporeia spp. from Lakes Michigan and Huron, USA, Gretchen A. Messick, Robin M. Overstreet, Thomas F. Nalepa, and Sue Tyler


Rationale for a New Generation of Indicators for Coastal Waters, Gerald Niemi, Denice Wardrop, Robert Brooks, Susan Anderson, Valerie Brady, Hans Paerl, Chet Rakocinski, Marius Brouwer, Barbara Levinson, and Michael McDonald


Beach Aggradation Following Hurricane Landfall: Impact Comparisons From Two Contrasting Hurricanes, Northern Gulf of Mexico, Ervin G. Otvos


Holocene Gulf Levels: Recognition Issues and an Updated Sea-Level Curve, Ervin G. Otvos


Interlinked Barrier Chain and Delta Lobe Development, Northern Gulf of Mexico, Ervin G. Otvos and Marco J. Giardino


Defining the Fundamental Physiological Niche of Young Estuarine Fishes and Its Relationship to Understanding Distribution, Vital Metrics, and Optimal Nursery Conditions, Mark S. Peterson, Bruce H. Comyns, Chet R. Rakocinski, and Gregory L. Fulling


Three New Species of Cumacea (Crustacea: Peracarida) From Costa Rica, Iorgu Petrescu and Richard W. Heard


Efficacy of Aqui-S, Formalin and Praziquantel Against the Monogeneans, Benedenia seriolae and Zeuxapta seriolae, Infecting Yellowtail Kingfish Seriola lalandi lalandi in New Zealand, Natasha J. Sharp, B.K. Diggles, C.W. Poortenaar, and T.J. Willis


Experimental Infection of Pacific White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei with Necrotizing Heptopancreatitis (NHP) Bacterium by Per os Exposure, Amanda G. Vincent, Verlee Breland, and Jeffrey M. Lotz

Submissions from 2003


First Report of a Species of Folliculovarium Gu & Shen, 1983 (Bucephalidae : Prosorhynchinae) from European Marine Waters, with the Description of F-mediterraneum n. sp., Pierre Bartoli, Robin M. Overstreet, and David I. Gibson


Branchotenthes robinoverstreeti n. gen. and n. sp (Monogenea : Hexabothriidae) from Gill Filaments of the Bowmouth Guitarfish, Rhina ancylostoma (Rhynchobatidae), in the Indian Ocean, Stephen A. Bullard and Susan Dippenaar


Models and Murkiness: Evaluating Fish Endocrine Disruption In the Laboratory and the Field, Ann Oliver Cheek, Jennifer A. Fentress, Stacy L. Steele, Henry L. Bart Jr., and Marius Brouwer


Prey Nutritional Quality Interacts With Chemical Defenses to Affect Consumer Feeding and Fitness, Edwin Cruz-Rivera and Mark E. Hay


p-Nitrophenol and Glutathione Response in Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Exposed to MX, a Drinking Water Carcinogen, David R. Geter, John W. Fournie, Marius H. Brouwer, Anthony B. DeAngelo, and William E. Hawkins


Cloning, Sequencing and Phylogenetic/Phenetic Classification of an Estrogen Receptor Alpha (α) Subtype of Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus), Arthur Alan Karels and Marius Brouwer


Reproductive Effects of Estrogenic and Antiestrogenic Chemicals on Sheepshead Minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus), Arthur Alan Karels, Steve Manning, Thea Hoexum Brouwer, and Marius Brouwer

A New Genus and Species, Tumidochelia randyi, from the Gulf of Mexico (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea), Julianne Knight, Kim Larsen, and Richard W. Heard


A Model of Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV) Epidemics in Litopenaeus vannamei, Jeffrey M. Lotz, Anne Marie Flowers, and Verlee Breland


A New Species of Stenetrium Haswell, 1881 (Crustacea: Peracarida: Isopoda: Asellota), from Navassa Island, Northern Caribbean Sea, Joel W. Martin, Richard W. Heard, and Regina Wetzer


Flavor Buds and Other Delights, Robin M. Overstreet


Blue Crab Larval Dispersion and Retention in the Mississippi Bight: Testing the Hypothesis, Harriet M. Perry, Donald R. Johnson, Kirsten M. Larsen, Christine Trigg, and Fred Vukovich


A Conceptual View of Environment-Habitat-Production Linkages in Tidal River Estuaries, Mark S. Peterson


Transmission, Virulence, and Recovery Coefficients of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) and Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV) Infections in Kona Stock Litopenaeus vannamei, M. Andres Soto and Jeffrey M. Lotz


Measuring Responses to Simulated Predation Threat Using Behavioral and Physiological Metrics: The Role of Aquatic Vegetation, Christa M. Woodley and Mark S. Peterson

Submissions from 2002


Selective Breeding of Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) for Growth and Resistance to Taura Syndrome Virus, Brad J. Argue, Steve M. Arce, Jeffrey M. Lotz, and Shaun M. Moss


Role of a Copper-Specific Metallothionein of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus, in Copper Metabolism Associated with Degradation and Synthesis of Hemocyanin, Marius Brouwer, Rachel Syring, and Thea Hoexum Brouwer


Ultrastructure of Tuzetia weidneri sp. n. (Microsporidia: Tuzetiidae) in Skeletal Muscle of Litopenaeus setiferus and Farfantepenaeus aztecus (Crustacea: Decapoda) and New Data on Perezia nelsoni (Microsporidia: Pereziidae) in L. setiferus, Elizabeth U. Canning, Alan Curry, and Robin M. Overstreet

Thometrema lotzi sp. nov. (Digenea, Derogenidae) from Freshwater and Brackish Water Fishes of Louisiana and Mississippi (USA), Stephen S. Curran, Robin M. Overstreet, and W.F. Font

Two New Deep-Sea Tanaidacean Genera, Isopodidus and Cetiopyge (Crustacea: Peracarida) from the Gulf of Mexico, K. Larsen and Richard W. Heard


Tanaidacean Phylogeny, the First Step: The Superfamily Paratanaidoidea, K. Larsen and G.D.F. Wilson


Model of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) Epidemics in Litopenaeus vannamei, Jeffrey M. Lotz and M. Andres Soto


Uptake and Loss of Chlorpyrifos and Atrazine by Juncus effusus L. in a Mesocosm Study with a Mixture of Pesticides, Julia S. Lytle and Thomas F. Lytle


Discussion of "Prehistoric Landfall Frequencies of Catastrophic Hurricanes..." (Liu and Fearn, 2000), Ervin G. Otvos


Bolbophorus damnificus n. sp (Digenea: Bolbophoridae) from the Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus and American White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos in the USA Based on Life-Cycle and Molecular Data, Robin M. Overstreet, Stephen S. Curran, Linda M. Pote, D. Tommy King, Charles K. Blend, and Walter D. Grater


On the Systematic Position of Ophiosacculus Macy, 1935 (Digenea : Lecithodendriidae), With the Erection of the Ophiosacculinae n. Subfam., Vasyl Tkach, Jeffrey M. Lotz, Zdzislaw Swiderski, and J. Guillermo Esteban


Occurrence of the Non-Indigenous Giant Malaysian Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879) in Simmons Bayou, Mississippi, USA, Christa M. Woodley, William T. Slack, Mark S. Peterson, and William C. Vervaeke

Submissions from 2001

Observations on Cumacea (Malacostraca: Peracarida) from Antarctic and Subantarctic Waters. I. Ekleptostylis debroyeri (Diastylidae), a New Species from Waters off the Antarctic Peninsula, M. Blazewicz-Paszkowycz and Richard W. Heard


Gill Lesions Associated With Erpocotyle tiburonis (Monogenea: Hexabothriidae) On Wild and Aquarium-Held Bonnethead Sharks (Sphyrna tiburo), Stephen A. Bullard, Salvatore Frasca Jr., and George W. Benz


The Effect of Prior Exposure on the Resistance and Viral Titer of Shrimp to Taura Syndrome Virus, Z. Cao, S.Y. Wang, A.M. Moore, V. Breland, and J. Lotz


Feeding Efficiency by Juvenile Blue Crabs on Two Common Species of Micrograzer Snails, Janet Cote, Chet R. Rakocinski, and Todd A. Randall

Singhiatrema vietnamensis sp n. (Digenea: Ommatobrephidae) and Szidatia taiwanensis (Fischthal and Kuntz, 1975) comb. n. (Digenea: Cyathocotylidae) from Colubrid Snakes in Vietnam, Stephen S. Curran, Robin M. Overstreet, D.T. The, and N.T. Le


Effects of Molting and Environmental Factors on Trace Metal Body-Burdens and Hemocyanin Concentrations in the American Lobster, Homarus americanus, D.W. Engel, M. Brouwer, and R. Mercaldo-Allen


Use of Plants for Toxicity Assessment of Estuarine Ecosystems, Julia S. Lytle and Thomas F. Lytle


Trophic Importance of Epiphytic Algae in Subtropical Seagrass Beds: Evidence from Multiple Stable Isotope Analyses, Cynthia A. Moncreiff and Michael J. Sullivan


Late Quaternary Inland Dunes of Southern Louisiana and Arid Climate Phases in the Gulf Coast Region, Ervin G. Otvos and David M. Price


Cloning of the Retinoblastoma cDNA from the Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) and Preliminary Evidence of Mutational Alterations in Chemically-Induced Retinoblastomas, J.M. Rotchell, J.B. Blair, J.-K. Shim, William E. Hawkins, and G.K. Ostrander


Pfiesteria: Review of the Science and Identification of Research Gaps. Report for the National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Jonathan Samet, Gary S. Bignami, Robert Feldman, William E. Hawkins, Jerry Neff, and Theodore Smayda


Epidemiological Parameters of White Spot Syndrome Virus Infections in Litopenaeus vannamei and L. setiferus, M. Andres Soto and Jeffrey M. Lotz


Transmission of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) to Litopenaeus vannamei from Infected Cephalothorax, Abdomen, or Whole Shrimp Cadaver, M. Andres Soto, Vriginia R. Shervette, and Jeffrey M. Lotz

Submissions from 2000


Dionchus Postoncomiracidia (Monogenea: Dionchidae) from the Skin of Blacktip Sharks, Carcharhinus limbatus (Carcharhinidae), Stephen A. Bullard, George W. Benz, and Jeffrey S. Braswell


Six New Host Records and an Updated List of Wild Hosts for Neobenedenia melleni (MacCallum) (Monogenea: Capsalidae), Stephen A. Bullard, George W. Benz, Robin M. Overstreet, Ernest H. Williams Jr., and Jay Hemdal


Calicotyle californiensis n. sp and Calicotyle urobati n. sp (Monogenea: Calicotylinae) from Elasmobranchs in the Gulf of California, Stephen A. Bullard and Robin M. Overstreet