Coastal Sciences, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Faculty Publications | School of Ocean Science and Engineering | The University of Southern Mississippi


Submissions from 2020


A New Family, Genus and Species of Tanaidacea (Crustacea; Apseudomorpha) From the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) of Chiapas, Mexico: Systematic Revisions, Including Designation of Two New Paleozoic Families, and Paleoenvironmental Observations, Richard W. Heard, Andrés G. Morales-Núñez, María de Lourdes Serrano-Sánchez, Marco A. Coutiño, Ricardo Barragán, and Francisco J. Vega


Novel Shell Stock-Recruitment Models for Crassostrea virginica as a Function of Regional Shell Effective Surface Area, A Missing Link for Sustainable Management, Kathleen M. Hemeon, Kathy A. Ashton-Alcox, Eric N. Powell, Sara M. Pace, Leanne M. Poussard, Laura K. Solinger, and Thomas M. Soniat


A Climate Migrant Escapes Its Parasites, David S. Johnson, Jeffrey D. Shields, Danielle Doucette, and Richard Heard


Acute Exposure to Oil Induces Age and Species-Specific Transcriptional Responses In Embryo-Larval Estuarine Fish, Elizabeth R. Jones, Danielle Simning, Jenifer Serafin, Maria S. Sepúlveda, and Robert J. Griffitt


Distribution, Relative Abundance, and Reproductive Output of Spawning Female Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) In Offshore Waters of the Gulf of Mexico, Adam A. Kemberling and M. Zachary Darnell


The Case of the 'Missing' Arctic Bivalves and the Walrus: The Biggest [Overlooked] Clam Fishery on the Planet, Roger Mann, Eric N. Powell, and Daphne M. Munroe


Macroscale Drivers of Atlantic and Gulf Menhaden Growth, Stephen R. Midway, Amy M. Schueller, Robert T. Leaf, Geneviève M. Nesslage, and Raymond M. Mroch III


Capture Stress and Post-Release Mortality of Blacktip Sharks In Recreational Charter Fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico, John A. Mohan, Elizabeth R. Jones, Jill M. Hendon, Brett Falterman, Kevin M. Boswell, Eric R. Hoffmayer, and R.J. David Wells


White Spot Syndrome Virus In Decapods From Mississippi Sound, USA, and Susceptibility of Palaemonetes pugio and Uca panacea to a Chinese Isolate, Muhammad Muhammad, Jeffrey M. Lotz, Reginald B. Blaylock, and Stephen S. Curran


Reproductive Biology and Behavior Associated With a Spawning Aggregation of the Yellowfin Grouper Mycteroperca venenosa In the US Virgin Islands, Richard S. Nemeth, Elizabeth Kadison, Nancy J. Brown Peterson, and Jeremiah Blondeau


A Simulation-Based Evaluation of Commercial Port Sampling Programs for the Gulf and Atlantic Menhaden Fisheries, Geneviève M. Nesslage, Robert T. Leaf, Michael J. Wilberg, Raymond M. Mroch, and Amy M. Schueller


Development and Characterization of Genomic Resources for a Non-Model Marine Telost, The Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus, Lutjanidae): Construction of a High-Density Linkage Map, Anchoring of Genome Contigs and Comparative Genomic Analysis, Adrienne E. Norrell, Kenneth L. Jones, and Eric A. Saillant


Coastal Barriers: Fresh Look at Origins, Nomenclature and Classification Issues, Ervin G. Otvos


Dying, Decaying, and Dissolving into Irrelevance: First Direct in-the-Field Estimate of Crassostrea virginica Shell Loss: A Case History from Mississippi Sound, Sara M. Pace, Leanne M. Poussard, Eric N. Powell, Kathryn A. Ashton-Alcox, Kelsey M. Kuykendall, Laura K. Solinger, Kathleen M. Hemeon, and Thomas M. Soniat


How Oyster Health Indices Vary between Mass Mortality Events, Sara M. Pace, Eric N. Powell, Thomas M. Soniat, and Kelsey M. Kuykendall


Differences in the Quantity and Quality of Organic Matter Exported From Greenlandic Glacial and Deglaciated Watersheds, Andrea J. Pain, Jonathan B. Martin, Ellen E. Martin, Shaily Rahman, and Philip Ackermann


Phylogenetic Afficity of Genolopa (Digenea: Monorchiidae) With Descriptions of Two New Species, Apryle J. Panyi, Stephen S. Curran, and Robin M. Overstreet


Decline In Survival of Cultured Larvae From Wild-Caught Blue Crabs Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster, Harriet M. Perry, Chet F. Rakocinski, and Lillian Collins


Response of Petroleum Seep Mussels to Changing Environmental Conditions: Parasite Transmission, Infection Intensification, and Health, Eric N. Powell and Kathryn A. Ashton-Alcox


The "Challenge" of Depletion: Why the Oyster Fishery is Not Self-Regulating, Eric N. Powell, John M. Klinck, and Leanne M. Poussard


Growth and longevity in surfclams east of Nantucket: Range expansion in response to the post-2000 warming of the North Atlantic, Eric N. Powell, Jason M. Trumble, Roger L. Mann, M. Chase Long, Sara M. Pace, Jeremy R. Timbs, and Kelsey M. Kuykendall


Effects of Age, Maturity Stage, Sex ans Seasonality On the Feeding Strategies of the Diamond Stingray (Hypanus dipterurus) In the Southern Gulf of California, Diana C. Restrepo-Gómez, Víctor H. Cruz-Escalona, Mark S. Peterson, Paola A. Mejía-Falla, and Andrés F. Navia


Exposure to Oil and Hypoxia Results In Alterations of Immune Transcriptional Patterns In Developing Sheepshead Minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus), Maria L. Rodgers, Danielle Simning, Maria S. Sepúlveda, Sylvain De Guise, Thijs Bosker, and Robert J. Griffitt


Destabilizing Effects On a Classic Tri-Trophic Oyster Reef Cascade, Virginia R. Schweiss and Chet F. Rakocinski


Redescription of Deltamysis holmquistae Bowman & Orsi, 1992 (Crustacea: MySida: Mysidae), a Mysid Species New to the Atlantic Ocean With Observations On the Taxonomic Status of Kochimysis Panampunnayil & Biju, 2007, Matthew J. Scripter, W. Wayne Price, and Richard W. Heard


Redescription of Deltamysis holmquistae Bowman & Orsi, 1992 (Crustacean: Mysida: Mysidae), a Mysid Species New to the Atlantic Ocean With Observations On the Taxonomic Status of Kochymysis Panampunnayil & Biju, 2007, Matthew J. Scripter, W. Wayne Price, and Richard W. Heard


Blue Crab Abundance and Survival In a Fragmenting Coastal Marsh System, Lennah M. Shakeri, Kelly M. Darnell, Tim J.B. Carruthers, and M. Zachary Darnell


Community Composition and Antibiotic Resistance of Bacteria In Bottlenose Dolphins Tursiops truncatus: Potential Impact of 2010 BP Oil Spill, Shuo Shen, Wei Wu, Eric A. Saillant, and Robert J. Griffitt


Quantifying Spatiotemporal Variability In Zooplankton Dynamics In the Gulf of Mexico With a Physical-Biogeochemical Model, Taylor A. Shropshire, Steven L. Morey, Eric P. Chassignet, Alexandra Bozec, Victoria J. Coles, Michael R. Landry, Rasmus Swalethorp, Glenn Zapfe, and Michael R. Stukel


Hyperparasitic Spore-Forming Eukaryotes (Microsporidia, Haplosporidia, and Myxozoa) Parasitizing Trematodes (Platyhelminthes), Yu Ya Sokolova and R. M. Overstreet


Biogeochemical Consequences of Non-Vertical Methane Transport In Sediment Offshore Northwestern Svalbard, T. Treude, S. Krause, L. Steinle, E. Burwicz, Leila J. Hamdan, H. Niemann, T. Feseker, V. Liebtrau, S. Krastel, and C. Berndt


Biogeochemical Consequences of Nonvertical Methane Transport In Sediment Offshore Northwestern Svalbard, T. Truede, S. Krause, L. Steinle, E. Burwicz, Leila J. Hamdan, H. Niemann, T. Feseker, V. Liebtrau, S. Krastel, and C. Berndt


Microsporidia Can Acquire Lamin-Like Intermediate Filaments and Cell Adhesion Catenin-Cadherin Complexes From the Host, Earl Weidner, Yuliya Y. Sokolova, and Robin M. Overstreet


Sea-Level Rise Thresholds For Stability of Salt Marshes In a Riverine Versus a Marine Dominated Estuary, Wei Wu, Patrick Biber, Deepak R. Mishra, and Shuvankar Ghosh

Submissions from 2019


Phylogenetic Affinities of Uvulifer Spp. (Digenea: Diplostomidae) In the Americas With Description of Two New Species From Peruvian Amazon, Tyler I. Achatz, Stephen S. Curran, Kaylyn F. Patitucci, Alan Fecchio, and Vasyl K. Tkach


Argulus From the Pascagoula River, MS, USA, With an Emphasis On Those of the Threatened Gulf Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyinchus desotoi, Michael J. Andres, Jeremy M. Higgs, Paul O. Grammer, and Mark S. Peterson


A Scientific Name for Pacific Oysters, Brian Bayne, Marc Anglès d'Auriac, Thierry Backeljau, Peter Beninger, Pierre Boudry, Ryan B. Carnegie, Jonathan P. Davis, Ximing Guo, Dennis Hedgecock, Maureen Krause, Chris Langdon, Sylvie Lapègue, Donal Manahan, Roger Mann, Eric Powell, and Sandra Shumway


Sex-Specific Growth and Reproductive Dynamics of Red Drum in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Corbin F. Bennetts, Robert T. Leaf, and Nancy J. Brown-Peterson


Regional Genetic Diversity In Spartina and Juncus With Implications For Future Salt Marsh Restoration, Patrick Biber, Brian Baldwin, and Mark Welch


White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) In Cultured Juvenile Blue Crabs Callinectes sapidus: Oral Versus Injection Exposure, and Feeding Frequency Effects, Reginald B. Blaylock, Stephen S. Curran, and Jeffrey M. Lotz


Reproducible, Interactive, Scalable and Extensible Microbiome Data Science Using QIIME 2, Evan Bolyen, Jai Ram Rideout, Matthew Dillon, Nicholas Bokulich, Christian Abnet, Gabriel Al-Ghalith, Harriet Alexander, Eric Alm, Manimozhiyan Arumugam, Francesco Asnicar, Yang Bai, Jordan Bisanz, Kyle Bittinger, Asker Brejnrod, Colin J. Brislawn, C. Titus Brown, Benjamin Callahan, Mauricio Caraballo, John Chase, Emily K. Cope, Ricardo Da Silva, Christian Diener, Pieter Dorrenstein, Gavin M. Douglas, Daniel M. Durall, Claire Duvallet, Christian Edwardson, Madeleine Ernst, Mehrbod Estaki, Jennifer Fouquier, Julia M. Gauglitz, Sean Gibbons, Deanna L. Gibson, Antonio Gonzalez, Kestrel Gorlick, Jiarong Guo, Benjamin Hillmann, Susan Holmes, Hannes Holste, Curtis Huttenhower, Gavin A. Huttley, Stefan Jessen, Alan K. Jarmusch, Lingjing Jiang, Benjamin D. Kaehler, Kyo Bin Kang, Christopher Keefe, Paul Keim, Scott T. Kelley, Dan Knights, Irina Koester, Jorden Kreps, Morgan G.I. Langille, Joslynn Lee, Ruth Ley, Yong-Xin Liu, Erikka Loftfield, Catherine Lozupone, Massoud Maher, Clarisse Marotz, Bryan Martin, Daniel McDonald, Lauren J. McIver, Alexey Melnik, Jessica L. Metcalf, Sydney C. Morgan, Jamie T. Morton, Ahmad Turan Naimey, Jose Antonio Navas-Molina, Louis Felix Nothias, Stephanie Orchanian, Talima Pearson, Samuel L. Peoples, Daniel Petras, Mary Lai Preuss, Elmar Pruesse, Lasse Buur Rasmussen, Adam Rivers, Michael Robeson, Patrick Rosenthal, Nicola Segata, Michael Shaffer, Arron Shiffer, Rashmi Sinha, Se Jin Song, John R. Spear, Austin D. Swafford, Luke R. Thompson, Pedro J. Torres, Pauline Trinh, Anupriya Tripathi, Peter Turnbaugh, Sabah Ul-Hasan, Justin Van der Hooft, Fernando Vargas, Yoshiki Vázquez-Baeza, Emily Vogtmann, Max Von Hippel, William Walters, Yunhu Wan, Mingxun Wang, Jonathan Warren, Kyle C. Weber, Charles H.D. Williamson, Amy Willis, Zhenjiang Zech Xu, Yilong Zhang, Qiyun Zhu, Rob Knight, and James Gregory Caporaso


Socio-Ecological Mobility: A Research Strategy for a New Coastline, Anamaria Bukvic, Patrick Biber, Maritza Barreto, and Susan Roberts


Ocean Forests: Breakthrough Yields for Macroalgae, Mark E. Capron, Reginald Blaylock, Kelly Lucas, Michael D. Chambers, Jim R. Stewart, Steven F. DiMarco, Kerri Whilden, Binbin Wang, MH Kim, Zach Moscicki, Corey Sullivan, Igor Tsukrov, M. Robinson Swift, Scott C. James, Maureen Brooks, Stephan Howden, Suzanne Fredericq, Stacy A. Kruger-Hadfield, Antoine Ramon De N'Yeurt, Chris Webb, and Don Piper


The Molecular Biogeography of the Indo-Pacific: Testing Hypotheses With Multispecies Genetic Patterns, Eric D. Crandall, Cynthia Riginos, Chris E. Bird, Libby Liggins, Eric Treml, Maria Beger, Paul H. Barber, Sean R. Connolly, Peter F. Cowman, Joseph D. DiBattista, Jeff A. Eble, Sharon F. Magnuson, John B. Horne, Marc Kochzius, Harilaos A. Lessios, Shang Yin Vanson Liu, William B. Ludt, Hawis Madduppa, John M. Pandolfi, Robert J. Toonen, and Michelle R. Gaither


Age and Growth of Atlantic Chub Mackerel (Scomber colias) In the Northwest Atlantic, Taylor T. Daley and Robert T. Leaf


Thermal and Desiccation Constraints Drive Territory Preference In Fiddler Crabs, M. Zachary Darnell, Patricia R.Y. Blackwell, Jason Stockbridge, Miranda L. Dyson, and Pablo Munguia


Arrested Sexual Development In Queen Conch (Lobatus gigas) Linked to Abnormalities In the Cerebral Ganglia, Gabriel A. Delgado, Robert A. Glazer, and Nancy J. Brown-Peterson


A Genomic Assessment of Movement and Gene Flow Around the South Florida Vicariance Zone In the Migratory Coastal Blacknose Shark, Carcharinus acronotus, Pavel V. Dimens, Stuart Willis, R. Dean Grubbs, and David S. Portnoy


Comparison of Age and Growth Parameters of Invasive Red Lionfish (Pterois volitans) Across the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Alexander Q. Fogg, Joseph T. Evans, Mark S. Peterson, Nancy Brown-Peterson, Eric R. Hoffmayer, and G. Walter Ingram Jr.


ENSO-Induced Co-Variability of Salinity, Plantkton Biomass and Coastal Currents in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Fabian A. Gomez, Sang-Ki Lee, Frank J. Hernandez Jr., Luciano M. Chiaverano, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Yanyun Liu, and John T. Lamkin


Digging Deeper Than LC/EC50: Nontraditional Endpoints and Non-Model Species in Oil Spill Technology, Martin Grosell, Robert J. Griffitt, Tracy A. Sherwood, and Dana L. Wetzel


Short Term Effects of Hurricane Irma and Cyanobacterial Blooms On Ammonium Cycling Along a Freshwater-Estuarine Continuum In South Florida, Justyna J. Hampel, Mark J. McCarthy, Megan H. Reed, and Silvia E. Newell


Hypoxia and Reduced Salinity Exacerbate the Effects of Oil Exposure on Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinidon variegatus) Reproduction, Lindsay Jasperse, Milton Levin, Kara Rogers, Christopher Perkins, Thijs Bosker, Robert J. Griffitt, Marisol Sepúlveda, and Sylvain De Guise


Age and Growth of Gray Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) From a North-Central Gulf of Mexico Artifical Reef Zone, Amanda E. Jefferson, Robert J. Allman, Ashley E. Pacicco, James S. Franks, Frank J. Hernandez, Mark A. Albins, Sean P. Powers, Robert L. Shipp, and J. Marcus Drymon


Elevated Temperature Induces a Decrease in Intermolt Period and Growth Per Molt in the Lesser Blue Crab Callinectes similis Williams, 1966 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Portunidae), Abigail A. Kuhn and M. Zachary Darnell


The Effect of Abundance Changes on a Management Strategy Evaluation for the Atlantic Surfclam (Spisula solidissima) Using a Spatially Explicit, Vessel-Based Fisheries Model, Kelsey M. Kuykendall, Eric N. Powell, John M. Klinck, Paula T. Moreno, and Robert T. Leaf


Construction and Evaluation of a Robust Trophic Network Model for the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem, Robert T. Leaf and Megumi C. Oshima


Chromosome Polymorphisms Track Trans-Atlantic Divergence and Secondary Contact in Atlantic Salmon, Sarah J. Lehnert, Paul Bentzen, Tony Kess, Sigbjørn Lien, John B. Horne, Marie Clément, and Ian R. Bradbury


Historical Separation and Present-Day Structure of Common Dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) Populations In the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, Teresa Maggio, Alessandro Allegra, Franco Andaloro, João Pedro Barreiros, Pietro Battaglia, Christopher M. Butler, Angela Cuttitta, Miguel Rodrigues Jorge Fontes, Rui Freitas, Mark Gatt, F. Saadet Karakulak, David Macias, Aldo Nicosia, Hazel A. Oxenford, Samar Saber, Nuno Vasco Rodrigues, Taner Yildiz, and Mauro Sinopoli


Evaluating Functional Equivalence of Restored Marshes On Deer Island, MS, Emelia Marshall, Patrick Biber, and M. Zachary Darnell


Modernizing Protocols for Aquatic Toxicity Testing of Oil and Dispersant, Carys L. Mitchelmore, Robert J. Griffitt, Gina M. Coelho, and Dana L. Wetzel


Two New Apseudomorphan Species (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Metapseudidae) From Mo‘orea Island (Society Islands, French Polynesia) With Taxonomic Keys, Andrés G. Morales-Núñez, Richard W. Heard, and Graham J. Bird


Deep Sea Biofilms, Historic Shipwreck Preservation and the Deepwater Horizon Spill, Rachel L. Mugge, Melissa L. Brock, Jennifer L. Salerno, Melanie Damour, Robert A. Church, Jason Lee, and Leila J. Hamdan


Marine Biofilm Bacterial Community Response and Carbon Steel Loss Following Deepwater Horizon Spill Contaminant Exposure, Rachel L. Mugge, Jason S. Lee, Treva T. Brown, and Leila J. Hamdan


Importance of Weak Trophic Interactions in the Structure of the Food Web in La Paz Bay, Southern Gulf of California: A Topological Approach, Andrés F. Navia, Sergio R. Maciel-Zapata, Adrián F. González-Acosta, Robert T. Leaf, and Victor H. Cruz-Escalona


An Evaluation of Sampling Adequacy for Atlantic Menhaden Fisheries, Geneviéve M. Nesslage and Robert Leaf


An Evaluation of Sampling Adequacy for Gulf Menhaden Fisheries, Geneviéve M. Nesslage and Robert Leaf


Assessing Northshore Nekton Abundance, Substrate, and Environmental Conditions In the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Are There Differences Among Three Adjacent Coastal Areas and Have There Been Changes Over Three Decades (1986-2015)?, Martin T. O'Connell, Mark S. Peterson, Sean P. Powers, Ann M. Uzee-O'Connell, E. John Anderson, and J. Read Hendon


Functional Diversity In Fish Assemblages of the Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean: A Review of Two Decades of Progress In the Functional Diversity Approach, Deivis Samuel Palacios-Salgado, Lucia Campos-Dávila, Jasmin Granados-Amores, Victor H. Cruz-Escalona, Mark S. Peterson, Xchel G. Moreno-Sánchez, Rosalia Aguilar-Medrano, Juan R. Flores-Ortega, and Leonardo A. Abitia-Cárdenas

Functional Diversity In Fish Assemblages of theTropical Eastern Pacific Ocean: A Review of Two Decades of Progress In the Functional Diversity Approach, Deivis Samuel Palacios-Salgado, Lucia Campos-Dávila, Jasmin Granados-Amores, Víctor H. Cruz-Escalona, Mark S. Peterson, Xchel G. Moreno-Sánchez, Rosalia Aguilar-Medrano, Juan R. Flores-Ortega, and Leonardo A. Abitia-Cárdenas


Acoustic Detection of Zooplankton Diel Vertical Migration Behaviors On the Northern Gulf of Mexico Shelf, Sabrina M. Parra, Adam T. Greer, Jeffrey W. Book, Alison L. Deary, Inia M. Soto, Carla Culpepper, Frank J. Hernandez, and Travis N. Miles


Evaluation of the Stock Structure of Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) In the Southeastern United States By Using Dart-Tag and Genetics Data, Matt Perkinson, Tanya Darden, Maggie Jamison, Matt J. Walker, Michael R. Denson, James Franks, Read Hendon, Susanna Musick, and Eric S. Orbensen


Ocean Quahogs (Arctica islandica) and Atlantic surfclams (Spisula solidissima) On the Mid-Atlantic Bight Continental Shelf and Georges Bank: The Death Assemblage As a Recorder of Climate Change and the Reorganization of the Continental Shelf benthos, Eric N. Powell, Anja M. Ewing, and Kelsey M. Kuykendall


The Intermingling of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities During a Period of Shifting Range: The "East of Nantucket" Atlantic Surfclam Survey and the Existence of Transient Multiple Stable States, Eric N. Powell, Roger Mann, Kelsey M. Kuykendall, M. Chase Long, and Jeremy R. Timbs


Population Connectivity of Pelagic Megafauna in the Cuba-Mexico-United States Triangle, Jay R. Rooker, Michael A. Dance, R.J. David Wells, Matthew J. Ajemian, Barbara A. Block, Michael R. Castleton, J. Marcus Drymon, Brett J. Falterman, James S. Franks, Neil Hammerschlag, Jill M. Hendon, Eric R. Hoffmayer, Richard T. Kraus, Jennifer A. McKinney, David H. Secor, Gregory W. Stunz, and John F. Walter


An Intensive, Large-Scale Batch Culture System to Produce the Calanoid Copepod, Acartia tonsa, Brie L. Sarkisian, Jason T. Lemus, Angelos Apeitos, Reginald B. Blaylock, and Eric A. Saillant


Combined Effects of Salinity, Temperature, Hypoxia, and Deepwater Horizon Oil On Fundulus grandis Larvae, Jennifer Serafin, Samuel C. Guffey, Thijs Bosker, Robert J. Griffitt, Sylvain De Guise, Christopher Perkins, Michael Szuter, and Maria S. Sepúlveda


SeaweedPaddock: Initial Modeling and Design for a Sargassum Ranch, Martin T. Sherman, Reginald Blaylock, Kelly Lucas, Mark E. Capron, Jim R. Stewart, Steven F. DiMarco, Kristen Thyng, Robert Hetland, Mh Kim, Corey Sullivan, Zach Moscicki, Igor Tsukrov, M. Robinson Swift, Michael D. Chambers, Scott C. James, Maureen Brooks, Brian Von Herzen, Anthony Jones, and Don Piper


Vertical Distribution of Macrobenthos in Hypoxia-Affected Sediments of the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Applying Functional Metrics, Shivakumar K. Shivarudrappa, Chet F. Rakocinski, and Kevin B. Briggs


Prospects for the Sustainable Management of Public Oyster Resources, Thomas M. Soniat, Nathan A. Cooper, and Eric N. Powell


Changes in the Spatial Distribution and Anatomy of a Range Shift for the Atlantic Surfclam Spisula solidissima in the Mid-Atlantic Bight and on Georges Bank, Jeremy R. Timbs, Eric N. Powell, and Roger Mann


Distribution Patterns and Ecological Risk of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals at Qingduizi Bay (China): A Preliminary Survey In a Developing Maricultured Bay, Lili Wang, Xiaolong Yang, Anguo Zhang, Gorka Bidegain, Ruijing Li, Guangshui Na, and Xiutang Yuan


Cross-Site Comparisons of Gulf Sturgeon Prey Assemblages Throughout the Northern Gulf of Mexico Reveal Regional Differences, Dara H. Wilber, Mark S. Peterson, and William T. Slack


Accounting for Spatial Patterns In Deriving Sea-Level Rise Thresholds for Salt Marsh Stability: More Than Just Total Areas?, Wei Wu

Submissions from 2018


The Gut Microbiome and Aquatic Toxicology: An Emerging Concept for Environmental Health, Ondrej Adamovsky, Amanda Buerger, Alexis M. Wormington, Naomi Ector, Robert J. Griffitt, Joseph H. Bisesi Jr., and Christopher J. Martyniuk


Spatial Variability in the Growth of Sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus) in the Southeast US: Implications for Assessment and Management, Grant Adams, Robert T. T. Leaf, Joseph C. Ballenger, Stephen A. Arnott, and Christopher J. McDonough


On the Systematics of Some Marine Haploporids (Trematoda) With the Description of a New Species of Megasolena Linton, 1910, Michael J. Andres, Eric E. Pulis, Stephen S. Curran, and Robin M. Overstreet


Growth Estimation of Western Population Segment Gulf Sturgeon Using Length-at-Age and Mark-Recapture Data, Michael J. Andres, William T. Slack, Mark S. Peterson, Kayla D. Kimmel, Bradley R. Lewis, and Paul O. Grammer


Parasite Component Community of Smalltooth Sawfish Off Florida: Diversity, Conservation Concerns, and Research Applications, Micah D. Bakenhaster, Stephen A. Bullard, Stephen S. Curran, Delane C. Kritsky, Erin H. Leone, Lauren K. Partridge, Carlos F. Ruiz, Rachel M. Scharer, and Gregg R. Poulakis


Detecting Coastal Salt Marsh Change From Aerial Imagery: Pascagoula River Marsh, 1996-2014, Margaret Claire Bell, Gregory A. Carter, and Patrick Biber


Commentary: Plastic Waste Associated With Disease On Coral Reefs, Gorka Bidegain and Ika Paul-Pont


A Global Perspective on the Trophic Geography of Sharks, Christopher S. Bird, Ana Veríssimo, Sarah Magozzi, Kátya G. Abrantes, Alex Aguilar, Hassan Al-Reasi, Adam Barnett, Dana M. Bethea, Gérard Biais, Asuncion Borrell, Marc Bouchoucha, Mariah Boyle, Edward J. Brooks, Juerg Brunnschweiler, Paco Bustamente, Aaron Carlisle, Diana Catarino, Stéphane Caut, Yves Cherel, Tiphaine Chouvelon, Diana Churchhill, Javier Ciancio, Julien Claes, Ana Colaço, Dean L. Courtney, Pierre Cresson, Ryan Daly, Leigh de Necker, Tetsuya Endo, Ivone Figueiredo, Ashley J. Frisch, Joan Holst Hansen, Michael Heithaus, Nigel E. Hussey, Johannes Iitembu, Francis Juanes, Michael J. Kinney, Jeremy J. Kiszka, Sebastian A. Klarian, Dorothée Kopp, Robert R. Leaf, Yunkai Li, Anne Lorrain, Daniel J. Madigan, Aleksandra Maljković, Luis Malpica-Cruz, Philip Matich, Mark G. Meekan, Frédéric Ménard, Gui M. Menezes, Samantha E.M. Munroe, Michael C. Newman, Yannis P. Papastamatiou, Heidi Pethybridge, Jeffrey D. Plumlee, Carlos Polo-Silva, Katie Quaeck-Davies, Vincent Raoult, Jonathan Reum, Yassir Eden Torres-Rojas, David S. Shiffman, Oliver N. Shipley, Conrad W. Speed, Michelle D. Staudinger, Amy K. Teffer, Alexander Tilley, Maria Valls, Jeremy J. Vaudo, Tak-Cheung Wai, R.J. David Wells, Alex S.J. Wyatt, Andrew Yool, and Clive N. Trueman


Multidecadal Meta-Analysis of Reproductive Parameters of Female Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) In the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, Christopher R. Peterson, and Gary R. Fitzhugh


Evaluating the Role of Large Jellyfish and Forage Fishes as Energy Pathways, and Their Interplay With Fisheries, in the Northern Humboldt Current Systems, Luciano M. Chiaverino, Kelly L. Robinson, Jorge Tam, James J. Ruzicka, Javier Quiñones, Katrina Aleksa, Frank J. Hernandez Jr., Richard D. Brodeur, Robert T. Leaf, Shin-ichi Uye, Mary Beth Decker, Marcelo Acha, Hermes Mianzan, and William M. Graham


Prevalence of the Nematode Hysterothylacium aduncum in the Amphipod Americorophium salmonis Consumed by Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Columbia River Estuary, Andrew Claxton, Laurie Weitkamp, and Kym Jacobson


Two New Species of Saccocoelioides (Digenea: Haploporidae) With Phylogenetic Analysis of the Family, Including Species of Saccocoelioides From North, Middle, and South America, Stephen S. Curran, Eric E. Pulis, Michael J. Andres, and Robin M. Overstreet


Dietary Overlap Between Jellyfish and Forage Fish in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Isabella D'Ambra, William M. Graham, Ruth H. Carmichael, and Frank J. Hernandez Jr.


Revision of Species Group (Crustacea: Mysida: Mysidae) From the West Indo-Pacific, Mikhail Daneliya, W. Wayne Price, and Richard W. Heard


Geographic Variation in Thermal Tolerance and Morphology in a Fiddler Crab Sister-Species Pair, M. Zachary Darnell and Kelly M. Darnell


Large-Scale Movements of Postcopulatory Female Blue Crabs Callinectes sapidus in Tidal and Nontidal Estuaries of North Caroline, M. Zachary Darnell and Adam A. Kemberling