Political Science, International Development, & International Affairs Faculty Publications | School of Social Science and Global Studies | The University of Southern Mississippi


Submissions from 2024


"Associations Do Not Survive Here": Inequality, Mistrust and Obstacles to Collective Action In Oil Palm Growing Communities In Ghana, Dorothy Takyiakwaa, Prince Selormo Kodzo Tetteh, and Kofi Takyi Asante

Submissions from 2022


Gender and Mandated Benefits: The Impact of Israeli Reserve Duty on Wages, Jennifer C. Olmstead and Edward Sayre


Human Rights Activism After the Movement Ends: Global Lessons From Kenya's Unfinished “Revolution”, Robert M. Press


Review of Authoritarian Africa: Repression, Resistance, and the Power of Ideas, Robert M. Press

Submissions from 2021


Conceptualizing Black Political Disillusionment, Marcus J. Coleman, Marek Steedman, Iliyan Iliev, and Lawless Turner


The Power Dynamics of Campaign Contributions and Legislative Rhetoric, Iliyan R. Iliev

Submissions from 2020


Does It Matter How and How Much Politicians are Paid?, Duha T. Altindag, Elif S. Filiz, and Erdal Tekin


A Multi-Stage Machine Learning Approach to Predict Dengue Incidence: A Case Study in Mexico, Annalisa Appice, Yulia R. Gel, Iliyan Iliev, Vyacheslav Lyubchich, and Donato Malerba


Religious Engagement, Civic Skills, and Political Participation In Latin America, Andre P. Audette, Mark Brockway, and Rodrigo Castro Cornejo


Asymmetric Cointegration and the J-Curve: New Evidence From Commodity Trade Between the U.S. and Canada, Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Hadiseh Fariditavana

SPID: A New Database for Inferring Public Policy Innovativeness and Diffusion Networks, Frederick J. Boehmke, Mark Brockway, Bruce A. Desmarais, Jeffrey J. Harden, Scott LaCombe, Fridolin Linder, and Hanna Wallach


Speaking Out or Speaking In? Changes In Political Rhetoric Over Time, Iliyan R. Iliev, Xin Huang, and Yulia R. Gel

Submissions from 2019


How Sensitive Are the U.S. Inpayments and Outpayments To Real Exchange Rate Changes: An Asymmetry Analysis, Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Hadiseh Faridtavana


Social Network Gap Analysis Evaluation: A Case Study of the Southeastern Health Equity Council, Candace Forbes Bright, Thometta Cozart, Braden Bagley, Hannah Scott, and Jonathan Dennis


If the Lord is Willing and the Creek Don't Rise: Religious Attendance and Disaster Recovery in the Deep South, Candace Bright, Roma Hanks, Edward Sayre, Amye Broyles, and Braden Bagley


Political Rhetoric Through the Lens of Non-Parametric Statistics: Are our Legislators That Different?, Iliyan Iliev, Xin Huang, and Yulia R. Gel


Money and Rhetoric: Energy Sector Dynamics In U.S. Senate Committee, Iliyan R. Iliev and Patrick T. Brandt


Striking a Blow For Unity? Race and Economics In the 2010 New Orleans Mayoral Election, Marek Steedman, Iliyan Iliev, Marcus Coleman, and Allan McBride

Submissions from 2018


Asymmetric Effect of Income on the US Healthcare Expenditure: Evidence From the Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Approach, Mehdi Barati and Hadiseh Fariditavana


Tourist Plantation Owners and Slavery: A Complex Relationship, Candace Forbes Bright, Derek H. Alderman, and David L. Butler


Domestic Violence and Pregnancy: A CBPR Coalition Approach to Identifying Needs and Informing Policy, Candace Forbes Bright, Braden Bagley, Ivie Pulliam, and Amy Swetha Newton


Domestic Violence and Pregnancy: A Community-Based Participatory Research Coalition Approach to Identifying Needs and Informing Policy, Candace Forbes Bright, Braden Bagley, Ivie Pulliam, and Amy Swetha Newton


Social Vulnerability and Perceptions of Recovery From the 2011 Tuscaloosa Tornado, Candace Forbes Bright, Edward Sayre, Roma Hanks, and Braden Bagley


‘The Better Way to Fight Crime’: Why Fiscal Arguments Do Not Restrain the Carceral State, Sarah Cate and Daniel HoSang


God Says It, That Settles It? The Nature and Place of Moral Authorities in Political Discourse, Troy Gibson


From Celebratory Landscapes to Dark Tourism Sites? Exploring the Design of Southern Plantation Museums, Stephen P. Hanna, Derek H. Alderman, and Candace Forbes Bright


Riding Down the Bay: Space-Time Clustering of Ecological Trends, Xin Huang, Iliyan Iliev, Vyacheslav Lyubchich, and Yulia R. Gel


Willis Duke Weatherford: Race, Religion, and Reform in the American South by Andrew McNeill Canady (Review), Marek Steedman

Submissions from 2017


Gulf States Health Policy Center Community Research Fellows Birmingham, AL Evaluation Report, Candace Bright and Braden Bagley


Gulf States Health Policy Center Community Research Fellows Mobile, AL Evaluation Report, Candace Bright and Braden Bagley


Election, News Cycles, and Attention to Disasters, Candace Forbes Bright and Braden Bagley


The Value of Social Network Analysis for Evaluating Academic-Community Partnerships and Collaborations for Social Determinants of Health Research, Candace Forbes Bright, Eboni Hayes, Danny Patterson, and Maria Pisu


A Social Network Study To Improve Collaborative Partnerships Among the Southeastern Health Equity Council (SHEC), Candace Forbes Bright, Hannah Scott, Braden Bagley, and Jonathan Dennis


Arizona Senate Race: McCain Holds On For a Sixth Term, Tom Lansford


Dangerous Crossings: Voices from the African Migration to Italy/Europe, Robert M. Press


The School-to-Work Transition in Palestine: The Role of Education and Family Background, Edward Sayre


"The Risen Phoenix: Black Politics in the Post-Civil War South", Marek Steedman

Submissions from 2016


Memory, Slavery, and Plantation Museums: The River Road Project, Derek H. Alderman, David L. Butler, and Stephen P. Hanna


Community Research Fellows Training Hattiesburg, MS Evaluation Report, Candace Forbes Bright


Who Are They? Visitors to Louisiana’s River Road Plantations, Candace Forbes Bright and Perry Carter


Comparing Africa, Asia and Latin America/Caribbean Countries Using Per Capita GDP, Remittances, Openness, Capital/Labor Ratios and Freedom, Sondra Collins and Edward Nissan


Spirituality and Resilience Among Mexican American IPV Survivors, Ivan A. de la Rosa, Timothy Barnett-Queen, Madeline Messick, and Maria Gurrola


Mothers' Involuntary Job Loss and Children's Academic Achievement, S. Elif Filiz


Moral Epistemology and Ideological Conflict in American Political Behavior, Troy Gibson and Christopher Hare


Space-Time Clustering with Stability Probe while Riding Downhill, Xin Huang, Iliyan R. Iliev, Alexander Brenning, and Yulia R. Gel


Bank Decapitalization and Credit Union Capitalization: The Impact of Excessive Compensation, Mark A. Klinedinst


"Reframing Randolph: Labor, Black Freedom, and the Legacies of A. Philip Randolph", Marek D. Steedman


European Union Member States in Cross-National Analyses: The Dangers of Neglecting Supranational Policymaking, Joe Weinberg

Submissions from 2015


Webwashing the Tourism Plantation: Using Historic Websites to View Changes In the Representation of Slavery At Tourism Plantations, Candace Forbes Bright and David L. Butler


Economic, Welfare, Demographic, and Gender Inequalities Among Selected Arab Countries, Edward Nissan and Farhang Niroomand


Islam in the West: Perceptions vs. Reality, Robert J. Pauly Jr.


Let Them Eat Cake: Food Prices, Domestic Policy and Social Unrest, Joe Weinberg and Ryan Bakker

Submissions from 2014


Teaching Writing and Critical Thinking in Large Political Science Classes, Daniel Franklin, Joseph Weinberg, and Jason Reifler


Comparing U.S. Regions For Selected Economic and Financial Variables, Edward Nissan and Shahdad Naghshpour

Submissions from 2013


Who Tweets About Politics?: Political Participation of Twitter Users During the 2011 Gubernatorial Elections, Marija Ann Bekafigo and Allan McBride


Commemorative Surrogation and the American South's Changing Heritage Landscape, Owen Dwyer, David Butler, and Perry Carter


Elected Versus Appointed County Commission Executives: Race, Political Favors and Support Facilities, Gary A. Hoover and Sondra Collins


Connecting Corruption To Ethnic Polarization and Religious Fractionalization, Edward Nissan and Shahdad Naghshpour


Individual and Organizational Human Rights Activism in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Kenya, Robert M. Press


The Punishment of Gaza, Edward Sayre


Continuity and Change: Understanding Race In Southern Political Development, Marek Steedman

Submissions from 2012


Vandana Shiva: Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply, Anthony Caito


Do Latino Christians and Seculars Fit the Culture War Profile? Latino Religiosity and Political Behavior, M. Troy Gibson and Christopher Hare


Relating Economic Infrastructure Indexes To Investor Protection For Selected Emerging Economies, Farhang Niroomand and Edward Nissan


Innovation, Progress, Entrepreneurship and Cultural Aspects, Edward Nissan, Miguel Angel Galindo, and María Teresa Méndez Picazo


Sierra Leone's Peaceful Resistance to Authoritarian Rule, Robert Press


Kenya's Political 'Transition' Through the Eyes of Its 'Foot Soldiers' For Democracy and Human Rights (1997-2012), Robert M. Press


Jefferson, Lincoln, and Wilson: The American Dilemma of Race and Democracy, Marek D. Steedman


The Turn Away From Marxism, or Why We Read the Way We Read Now, Charles Sumner


Do Majoritarian Electoral Systems Favor Consumers: Identifying Cross-National Consumer Bias, Joe Weinberg

Submissions from 2011


Inference Based on Alternative Bootstrapping Methods in Spatial Models with an Application to County Income Growth in the United States, Daniel C. Monchuk, Dermot J. Hayes, John A. Miranowski, and Dayton M. Lambert


Women Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Internationalization, Edward Nissan, Inmaculada Carrasco, and María-Soledad Castaño


Relationship Between Organizations, Institutions, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth Process, Edward Nissan, Miguel-Ángel Galindo Martin, and María-Teresa Méndez Picazo


Relationship Between Tourism and Economic Growth, Edward Nissan, Miguel-Ángel Galindo Martin, and María-Teresa Méndez Picazo


The Future of Services in a Globalized Economy, Edward Nissan, Miguel-Ángel Galindo Martin, and María-Teresa Méndez Picazo


Implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act in State Police and Highway Patrol Agencies: Results of a National Survey, Lisa S. Nored, Doug Goodman, and R. Alan Thompson


“Walk With Me In White”: Autonomy In a Herrenvolk Democracy, Marek D. Steedman


An Evaluation of Financial Incentive Policies for Organ Donations in the United States, Alison J. Wellington and Edward A. Sayre

Submissions from 2010


No Irish Need Apply? Veto Players and Legislative Productivity in the Republic of Ireland, 1949-2000, Richard S. Conley and Marija A. Bekafigo


Yes We Can or "Yes We Did"? Prospective and Retrospective Change in the Obama Presidency, Pearl K. Ford, Tekla A. Johnson, and Angie Maxwell


Nepotism, Incentives and the Academic Success of College Students, Deniz Gevrek and Z. Eylem Gevrek


Managed Care and Measuring Medical Outcomes: Did the Rise of HMOs Contribute to the Fall in the Autopsy Rate?, David E. Harrington and Edward A. Sayre


Explaining Production Inefficiency in China's Agriculture Using Data Envelopment Analysis and Semi-Parametric Bootstrapping, Daniel C. Monchuk, Zhuo Chen, and Yosef Bonaparte


Pursuit of Liberty: A Political History of the American South, Marek D. Steedman

Submissions from 2009


Examining the Adoption of Product and Process Innovations in the Canadian Food Processing Industry, Derek G. Brewin, Daniel C. Monchuk, and Mark D. Partridge


Toddler Economicus: Childhood Habit Cessation in a Beckerian Model of Pacifier Use, Franklin G. Mixon Jr., T.D. Pousson, and Trellis G. Green


False Advertising and Experience Goods: The Case of Political Services in the US Senate, Franklin G. Mixon Jr., Rand W. Ressler, and M. Troy Gibson


Candles in the Wind: Resisting Repression in Liberia (1979-2003), Robert Press


Resistance, Rebirth, and Redemption: The Rhetoric of White Supremacy In Post-Civil War Louisiana, Marek D. Steedman

Submissions from 2008


Religion and Civic Engagement Among America's Youth, Troy Gibson


Attitudes to Peace and a State's Rights to Violence: A South African Survey, Mark Leach

Democracy and Economic Growth: The Experience in Southeast Europe, Shahdad Naghshpour

Submissions from 2007


The Link Between Economic Development and the Income Elasticity of Import Demand, Melody Lo, W. Charles Sawyer, and Richard L. Sprinkle


Allying For Peace: Treaty Obligations and Conflict Between Allies, Andrew G. Long, Timothy Nordstrom, and Kyeonghi Baek


A Doubly Responsive AB Diblock Copolymer: RAFT Synthesis and Aqueous Solution Properties of Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide-block-4-vinylbenzoic acid), Andrew B. Lowe, Marry Torres, and Ran Wang


Pivotal Power Brokers: Theory and Evidence On Political Fundraising (vol 123, 477, 2006), Frankin G. Mixon, Chena C. Crocker, and H. Tyrone Black


Are Congressional Black Caucus Members More Reliable? Loyalty Screening and Committee Assignments of Newly Elected Legislators, Franklin G. Mixon Jr. and Amanda C. Pagels


US Treasury Primacy In Monetary Policy Signalling: A Public Choice Perspective, Franklin G. Mixon and W. Charles Sawyer


An Analysis of Regional Economic Growth In the US Midwest, Daniel C. Monchuk, John A. Miranowski, Dermot J. Hayes, and Bruce A. Babcock


Decomposing the Value of Cigarettes Using Experimental Auctions, Daniel C. Monchuk, Matthew C. Rousu, Jason F. Shogren, James Nonnemaker, and Katherine M. Kosa