Submissions from 1990
In Search of Solutions: A New Direction in Psychotherapy, Dave Kerby
First and Second Order Change: Implications for Rationalist and Constructivist Cognitive Therapies, William J. Lyddon
Classroom Environment and Locus of Control in Identifying High and Low Self-Concept in 4th Graders and 5th Graders, Stephen Madonna, Glenda K. Bailey, and Andrea L. Wesley
Do Written Reports of Suicide Induce High School Students to Believe That Suicidal Contagion Will Occur, Douglas H. McDonald and Lillian M. Range
Reasons for Living Following Success and Failure in Suicidal and Nonsuicidal College Students, Carmen J. Neyra, Lillian M. Range, and William C. Goggin
Factors Influencing Perceptions of Consultant Effectiveness, Daniel L. Randolph and Victor R. D'Ilio
A Factor Analysis of Six Commonly Used Instruments Associated With Suicide Using College Students, Lillian M. Range and Karla B. Antonelli
Responses Following Suicide and Other Types of Death: The Perspective of the Bereaved, Lillian M. Range and Lawrence G. Calhoun
Reactions to Suicide: Does Age of the Victim Make A Difference, Lillian M. Range and William C. Goggin
How Knowledge of Extenuating Circumstances Influences Community Reactions Toward Suicide Victims and Their Bereaved Families, Lillian M. Range and Stephen K. Martin
Long-Term Bereavement From Suicide, Homicide, Accidents, and Natural Deaths, Lillian M. Range and Nathan M. Niss
A Reaction to Educational Reform: Implications for Educational Psychologists, James O. Schnur
Long-Term Smoking Status of Cardiac Patients Following Symptom-Specific Cessation Advice, Reda R. Scott, Joni A. Mayer, Carol A. Denier, Brenda L. Dawson, and Danuta Lamparski
Methodological Guidelines for Impedance Cardiography, Andrew Sherwood, Michael T. Allen, Jochen Fahrenberg, Robert M. Kelsey, William R. Lovallo, and Lorenz J.P. Doornen
Psychology of Computer Use .18. Paired-Associate Acquisition and Recall: Microcomputer Versus Pencil and Paper Copying, Terry A. Stinnett and Ron Edwards
Acceptability of Time-Out: The Influence of Problem Behavior Severity, Interventionist, and Reported Effectiveness, Daniel H. Tingstrom
School Consultation From a Social Psychological Perspective: A Review, Daniel H. Tingstrom, Steven G. Little, and Krista J. Stewart
Acceptability of School-Based Interventions: A Replication with a Black Sample, Daniel H. Tingstrom and N. Clayton Silver
Time of Day, Repeated Testing, and Interblock Interval Effects on P300 Amplitude, Nancy Jo Wesensten, Pietro Badia, and John R. Harsh
College and University Student Suicide: Trends and Implications, John S. Westefeld, Kimberly A. Whitchard, and Lillian M. Range
Submissions from 1987
Stability of Cardiovascular Reactivity to Laboratory Stressors: A 2½ Yr Follow-Up, Michael T. Allen, Andrew Sherwood, Paul A. Obrist, Michael D. Crowell, and Lisa A. Grange
Control of Masseter Muscle Tension During Sleep, Diane O'Rourke, John Harsh, Peggy Cantrell, Pietro Badia, Ed Purzycki, Joel Culpepper, and Bruce Purvis
Submissions from 1985
The Effects of a Multicomponent Smoking Cessation Program With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Outpatients, Susan A. Turner, Jack L. Daniels, and James G. Hollandsworth
Submissions from 1980
An Investigation of Relationships Between Level of Alcohol Use Impairment and Personality Characteristics, Richard L. Williams, Kenneth U. Gutsch, Richard Kazelskis, J. Penelope Verstegen, and Joan Scanlon