Graduate Students: At this link find several documents from the Graduate School including the USM Guidelines & Instructions for using the thesis, dissertation, and doctoral projects, instructions and templates for title pages, instructions for submitting your document to Turnitin, and instructions for uploading your defended dissertation to Aquila. For more information contact the Documents Specialist in the Graduate School. - Instructions and Videos
Dissertations from 2012
Educational Technology Integration and High-Stakes Testing, Tracy Demetrie Daniel
Extended Techniques and Electronic Enhancements: A Study of Works by Ian Clarke, Christopher Leigh Davis
Examining the Relationship Between Social Capital and Career Success Among Welfare to Work Participants in Louisiana, Dionne Marie Davis-Green
Impression Rating via Speed-Dating: How A Single Communication Event Can Alter Perceptions of Another Individual, Andrew Clayton Dix
The Effects of Direct Training and the STAR Problem Solving Model on Teachers' Treatment Integrity and Generalized Use of an Intervention, Neelima Gutti Duncan
Religious Leaders in Crisis: An Analysis of Image Restoration Strategies and Content Variables, Melody Teracita Fisher
A Comparison of Principals’ and Parents’ Perceptions of Family Engagement in Schools, Karen Ash Frost
Does Psychopathy Predict Future Risky Sexual Behavior?, Jessica Jade Fulton
Influence of Teacher Qualifications, Experience, Instructional Methods, and Professional Development on Student Achievement on the Mississippi Writing Assessment in Grades Four and Seven, Stacy Kihneman Garcia
An Analysis of the Success of a High School Athletic Program on Student Achievement, Peter Randall Giles
K-1 Teachers’ Visual Arts Beliefs and Their Role in the Early Childhood Classroom, Blythe Annette Goodman-Schanz
A Bisphenol-A-based Resin System that Cures via Triazole Ring Formation for Marine Composite Applications, Irene Elizabeth Gorman
Employee Volunteer and Employer Benefits From Business-Education Partnerships as Perceived by Employee Volunteers, Evelyn Kwan Green
Manufacturing Mississippi's Workforce: An Assessment of Employability Skills as Perceived by Faculty and Senior Students of Four Year Manufacturing Related Degree Programs, Mamie Yvette Griffin
Can Psychopathic Traits Contribute to Success in Adolescence? Relations Between Boldness, Meanness, Disinhibition, and Adaptive Functioning, Matthew David Guelker
Is There a Correlation Between Teacher Efficacy and Effectiveness to Re-Engage At-Risk Students and Graduate On Time?, John Daniel Guillory
Genetic Associations with Borderline Personality Disorder and Related Traits and Behaviors, Casey Roy Guillot
Interpretations of Student Engagement in the Context of the Orff Schulwerk Music Classroom at the DuBard School for Language Disorders, Anna Rebecca Bondurant Halliday
Understanding Corrosion Protection and Failure Through Model Polymers in Thin Films, Joshua Smith Hanna
Evaluation of Performance-Based and Pre-set Conventional Criterion for Reinforcement in Check In-Check Out, Lauren Lestremau Harpole
The Spirit of Triumph, James Anderson DePreist: The Life, Career and Music of an American Conductor, Darryl Eric Harris Sr.
Ideological “Smackdown”: A Textual Analysis of Class, Race and Gender in WWE Televised Professional Wrestling, Casey Brandon Hart
Reification: A Process to Configure Java Realtime Processors, John Huddleston Heath
Polymer Surface Engineering Via Thiol-Mediated Reactions, Ryan Matthew Hensarling
The Relationship Between Student Achievement of At-Risk Students and the Georgia Performance Standards in Mathematics, Loralee Ann Hill
Literacy: Parent Training in the Elementary Educational System, Mattie Darlene Mathis Hill
Personality Assessment in African Elephants (Loxodonta africana), Kristina Marie Horback
Assessment of a University Faculty Development Program on Speaking and Writing Pedagogy Through Direct Measurement of Student Learning Outcomes, Julie Gissendanner Howdeshell
Using the Good Behavior Game to Decrease Disruptive Behavior While Increasing Academic Engagement with a Headstart Population, Brandy Marie Hunt
The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness Among Sponsored Research Administrators, Ventez Derrell Jones
Effects of Hypoxia and 4-tert-octylphenol on Gene Expression Profiles of the Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus), Arthur Alan Karels
Practitioners or Researchers: Ed.D. or Ph.D.? An Analysis of Educational Leadership Doctoral Programs, Michael Dwyane Kennedy Jr.
Development of a Scale to Measure Local Residents' Perceived Social Impacts of Hosting Large-Scale Sport Events, Wonyoung Kim
Assessing a Culture of Innovation Leadership on the Human Capital in Healthcare, Cheryl Zipay Kirby
Roadblocks to Integrating Technology Into Classroom Instruction, Courteney Lester Knight
An Analysis of the Impact of Continuous Progress Curriculum on Student Achievement, Jessica LaRae Ladner Taylor
Interactive Whiteboard Use: The Catalyst of Student Achievement, Tenneille Terrell Lamberth
"When the Eternal Can Be Met": Bergsonian Time in the Theologies of C.S. Lewis, T.S. Eliot, and W.H. Auden, James Corey Latta
Anxiety in Children/Youth with Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction and Their Parents: Impact of Medical, Educational, and Psychosocial Factors, Leslie Cristen LaVergne
The Impact of a Direct Care Training Program on the Self-Efficacy of Newly Hired Direct Care Employees at State Mental Health Facilities, Marcus Wayne Lewis
Teacher Perception of Their Initial Traditional or Alternitive Teacher Training Program, Daphne Yolanda Lowe
A Performer’s Guide to Six Song Cycles Composed Between 1959 and 2010 by Mississippi Composers, Sarah Hogrefe Mabary
Modern Approaches for Multifunctional Hydrolyzying Thiol-ene Networks, Nicole Marie Mackey
Leadership Styles and School Performance: Is There a Gender Difference in Expectations for Teachers, Iris Denise Magee
Increasing Positive Interactions Between Staff and Individuals with Disabilities: The Impact of Training on Acquisition and Maintenance, Kimberly Anne Martell
WJ Julian: His Life and Career with Emphasis on His Tenure as Director of Bands at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1961 to 1993, John Tilford Martin
The Relationship Between Schools Utilizing Positive Behavior Interventions and Support Programs and Student Achievement, Lori Herrington Massey
Closing the Achievement Gap: A Study of Leadership Behaviors of Principals at Title I Distinguished Schools, Liss Althea Maynard
Determinants of Tax Effort: A Cross Country Analysis, Mark Alan McCoon
High-Stakes Testing and Its Relationship to Stress Levels of Coastal Secondary Teachers, Sheneatha Lashelle Alexander McDaniel
Criminal Justice Students' Perceptions of Restorative Justice: A Study of Demographic Variables and Restorative Justice Values, Lana Adelaide McDowell
What Professional and Personal Strategies Do Successful Principals Possess to Cultivate a School Culture that Promotes Academic Success in a Blue Ribbon School, Carlos LaTeetha McKinney
The Use of Humor for Emotion Management on the Job: An Exploration of 911 Communication Centers, Jennifer Dell McLaughlin
Teacher Attitudes Toward the Use of Accommodations in the Classroom and on Standardized Tests, Michele Penny Meadows
Mortality Salience and Worldview Defense, Toni Brooke Merkey
Leading Through Crisis: Competencies for Effective Sport Security Professionals, Steven Gerald Miller
An Examination of Perceived Stress Levels and Coping Styles Among Rural Law Enforcement Officers, Marcos Luis Misis
Nobody's Boy, Linda Maria Mobley
America Reads-Mississippi Future Teacher Corps: A Study of Program Completers' Perception of Factors Influencing the Decision to Become and Remain Classroom Teachers, Deborah Green Moore
A Study of SATP Scores and Principals’ Perceptions for Traditional and Alternate Routes to Teacher Certification, Eddie Eugene Moore
The Effects of Increased Accountability Standards on Graduation Rates for Students With Disabilities, Mitzie Lee Moore
Seeing the Chemistry Around Me – Helping Students Identify the Relevance of Chemistry to Everyday Life, Tracy Lynn Moore
Tripping With Stephen Gaskin: An Exploration of a Hippy Adult Educator, Gabriel Patrick Morley
Teacher Certification and Student Achievement, Patricia Lewis Moss
Family Experiences and Children With Autism Who Use Speech Generating Devices, Rebecca Elizabeth Mullican
The Impact of Celebrity Endorser Type and Source Credibility on the Advertising Attitudes and Purchase Intentions of Indian Rural Consumers, Sidharth Muralidharan
Factors Related to Student Performance in Statistics Courses in Lebanon, Hiba Salim Naccache
The Relationship Between Middle School Teachers’ Perceptions of Principals’ Transformational Leadership Practices, Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy and Student Achievement, Antwane LaJacques Nelson
The Relationship Between Academic Optimism and Academic Achievement in Middle Schools in Mississippi, LaQuanta Murray Nelson
The Impact of Teacher Demographics on the Overrepresentation of African American Males in Special Education in a Coastal School District, Myrick Lamon Nicks
Empirical Identification of Axis I and Axis II Symptom Subtypes of Sex Addiction Using Lateny Profile Analysis, Maria Isabel Nino de Guzman
Genetic Variation in Potentially Virulent Vibrio parahaemolyticus From the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Nicholas Felix Noriea III
Community College Students' Perceptions of Effective Communication in Online Learning, Donna Alice Hill Parker
Classroom Management Styles: The Differences Among Traditionally-Licensed Teachers Who Were Formally Paraprofessionals and Alternatively-Licensed Teachers, Caterria Beasley Payton
The Impact of the No Child Left Behind Act and School Choice on Student Achievement, Wendy Ruddell Pettett
Slavery and Empire: The Development of Slavery in the Natchez District, 1720-1820, Christian Pinnen
The Effects of School-Home Notes on Teacher Reports of Academic Productivity and Disruptive Classroom Behaviors of Middle School Students, Nichol Frances Pritchard
A Conductor’s Guide to the Poetic and Musical Style of the Cante Jondo Based on the Work of Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s Romancero Gitano, Op.152, for Choir and Guitar with Selected Poems of Federico Garcia Lorca’s Poema del Cante Jondo, Elsa Patricia Ramierz-Hacker
Planned Parenthood Takes On Live Action: An Analysis of Media Interplay and Image Restoration Strategies in Strategic Conflict Management, Leslie Lynn Rasmussen
Management of Biological and Chemical Constituents for the Advancement of Intensive, Minimal-Exchange, Biofloc-based Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Aquaculture, Andrew James Ray
Interviewing Practices of Principals and the Role that Biases May Have on the Hiring Process, Lisa Ann Redmon
The Effects of Teacher Praise on Engagement and Work Completion of Students of Typical Development, Brandon Joseph Richard
Retaining Urban Middle School Teachers: An Investigation of Influencing Factors, JacQueline Elaine Richardson
A Pedagogical Guide and Argument for Using the Harmonic Series in Teaching Beginning and Intermediate Level Horn Students, Patrick James Richards
Unnecessary Evil: An Examination of Abu Ghraib Torture Photographs as Postcolonial Resistance Rhetoric, Patrick Gerhardt Richey
Teacher and Administrator Perceptions of In-School Suspension Programs on Changing Student Behavior and Academic Success in Schools, John Scott Rimes
A Study of the Effect of Appreciative Inquiry on Student-Course Engagement and Attendance in the Community College, Frances Virginia Turner Robbins
Employee Racial Discrimination Complaints: Exploring Power Through Co-Cultural Theory, Leslie Yvette Rodriguez
An Examination of Mississippi Public School Teachers' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Their Professional Development Experiences in Raising Student Achievement, Daniel Martin Rushing
Molecular Network Development of a Thermosetting Epoxy-Amine Polymer, Christopher Michael Sahagun
Jimmy Carter’s Post-Presidential Rhetoric: Faith-Based Rhetoric and Human Rights Foreign Policy, Daniel Eric Schabot
Parenting Stress, Behavior, Treatment Satisfaction, and Hope in Caregivers of Children with Developmental Disabilities, Paige Cristin Schultz
Positive Peer Reporting and Positive Peer Reporting Combined With Tootling: A Comparison of Interventions, Julie Christine Sherman
Quarry Light and Other Stories, Claudia Lois Smith
Financial Communication in Romantic Relationships, Joy Nichole Smithson
What Makes Finzi Finzi? The Convergence of Style and Struggle in the Life of Gerald Finzi and in His Set Before and After Summer, op. 16, Trevor Dangerfield Smith