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Submissions from 2022


Divisions: A New History of Racism and Resistance In America's World War II Military, Douglas Walter Bristol Jr.


Functional Inferences of Mating Orientations Through Body Fat and Sex-Typical Body Features, Mitch Brown, Kaitlyn Boykin, and Donald F. Sacco


Demonstrate Values: Behavioral Displays of Moral Outrage As a Cue To Long-Term Mate Potential, Mitch Brown, Lucas A. Keefer, Donald F. Sacco, and Faith L. Brown


Preliminary Evidence For an Association Between Journal Submission Requirements and Reproducibility of Published Findings: A Pilot Study, Mitch Brown, Robert E. McGrath, and Donald F. Sacco


Variations In Red Snapper Oocyte Development and Spawning In Relation To Environmental and Habitat Parameters, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, Wei Wu, Caitlin Slife, Kevin S. Dillon, and A.J. Leontiou


Revisioning the Concept of Resilience: Its Manifestation and Impact on Black Americans, Chalandra M. Bryant, Leslie A. Anderson, and Maxine R. Notice


Preferences Regarding Therapists' History of Personal Therapy or Suicidal Ideation: A Comparison of Undergraduates and Mental Healthcare Providers, Brian A. Bulla, Taylor R. Rodriguez, and Joye C. Anestis


Impulsivity and Stressful Life Events Independently Relate to Problematic Substance Use In At-Risk Adolescents, Margaret R. Bullerjahn, Nora E. Charles, Lauren C. Burns, and Christopher T. Barry


Association Between Sensation-Seeking Behaviors and Concussion-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, Perceived Norms, and Care-Seeking Behaviors among Collegiate Student-Athletes, Christine E. Callahan, Melissa K. Kossman, Jason P. Mihalik, Stephen W. Marshall, Paula Gildner, Zachary Y. Kerr, Kenneth L. Cameron, Megan N. Houston, Martin Mrazik, and Johna K. Register-Mihalik


Architecture and Agency For Equity In Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction, Lisa M. Campbell, Robin Fail, Rebecca Horan, Leslie Acton, and Jeffrey E. Blackwatters


Variable-Temperature Scattering and Spectroscopy Characterizations for Temperature-Dependent Solution Assembly of PffBT4T-Based Conjugated Polymers, Zhiqiang Cao, Guorong Ma, Mingwan Leng, Song Zhang, Jihua Chen, Changwoo Do, Kunlun Hong, Lei Fang, and Xiaodan Gu


What Should We Do with Our Moon?: Ethics and Policy for Establishing International Multiuse Lunar Land Reserves, Daniel Capper


When People Die By Suicide: Introducing Unacceptable Loss Thresholds As a Potential Missing Link Between Suicide Readiness States and Actively Suicidal Clinical States, Daniel W. Capron, Brian W. Bauer, and Craig J. Bryan


Dendrites, Erika Caramillo


What Can Research Institution Administrators Learn From Researcher Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic? Insights From a Survey of NIH and NSF Researchers, Stephanie Solomon Cargill, Samuel V. Bruton, Andrea Blake, Jaime O'Brien, and Alison L. Antes


Exploring Dissociation As a Facilitator of Suicide Risk: A Translational Investigation Using Virtual Reality, Nicole M. Caulfield, Aleksandr T. Karnick, and Daniel W. Capron


Exploring the Indirect Effects of Acute Dissociation On Capabliity and Suicide Risk: A Multi-Method Investigation With Augmented Reality, Nicole M. Caulfield, Alexsandrs T. Karnick, Ava K. Ferguson, Brian W. Bauer, and Daniel W. Capron


Instrumental Music Education In Rural North Carolina: A Case Study, Melody Causby and Catheryn Shaw Foster


Instrumental Music Education In Rural North Carolina: A Descriptive Study, Melody Causby and Catheryn Shaw Foster


A Novel Distributed Database Architectural Model For Mobile Cloud Computing, Somenath Chakraborty, Dia Ali, and Beddhu Murali


An Efficient Deep Learning Model To Detect COVID-19 Using Chest X-Ray Images, Somenath Chakraborty, Beddhu Murali, and Amal K. Mitra


Cross-linking Poly(caprolactone)–Polyamidoamine Linear Dendritic Block Copolymers for Theranostic Nanomedicine, Indika Chandrasiri, Mahesh Loku Yaddehige, Bo Li, Yuzhe Sun, William E. Meador, Austin Dorris, Mohammad Farid Zia, Nathan I. Hammer, Alex Flynt, Jared H. Delcamp, Edward Davis, and Alexander Lippert


Using the Personality Assessment Inventory-Adolescent in Legal Settings, Nora E. Charles, Whitney Cowell, and Laura M. Gulledge


Test-Retest Reliability of Self-Reported Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behavior Among at-Risk Adolescents, Nora E. Charles, Stephanie J. Strong, Paula N. Floyd, Lauren C. Burns, Lydia Sigurdson, and Christopher T. Barry


Evaluating Measures of Externalizing Personality Pathology Traits in Black and White American Adolescents in a Program for at-Risk Youths, Nora E. Charles, Cassidy L. Tennity, Joye C. Anestis, Hyunah Kim, and Christopher T. Barry


Topical Application of an Irreversible Small Molecule Inhibitor of Lysyl Oxidases Ameliorates Skin Scarring and Fibrosis, Nutan Chaudhari, Alison D. Findlay, Andrew W. Stevenson, Tristan D. Clemons, Yimin Yao, Amar Joshi, Sepidar Sayar, Gordon Wallace, Suzanne Rea, Priyanka Toshniwal, Zhenjun Deng, Philip E. Melton, Nicole Hortin, K. Swaminathan Iyer, Wolfgang Jarolimek, Fiona M. Wood, and Mark W. Fear


The Identification and Comparison of Factors Impacting Musculoskeletal and Concussion Injury Disclosure, Kelly Cheever, Aliza K. Nedimyer, Derek Dewig, Johna K. Register-Mihalik, and Melissa K. Kossman


The Role of Expertise In Herding Behaviors: Evidence From a Crowdfunding Market, Dongyu Chen, Chengchen Huang, De Liu, and Fujun Lai


Highly Conductive and Underwater Stable Ionic Skin for All-Day Epidermal Biopotential Monitoring, Tinglei Chen, Guo Ye, Haowei Wu, Shuyan Qi, Yan Zhang, Yan Zhao, Jia Zhu, Xiaodan Gu, and Nan Liu


High-Mobility Semiconducting Polymers With Different Spin Ground States, Xiao-Xiang Chen, Jia-Tong Li, Yu-Hui Fang, Xin-yu Deng, Xue-Qing Wang, Guangchao Liu, Yunfei Wang, Xiaodan Gu, Shang-Da Jiang, and Ting Lei


The Role of Secured and Unsecured Debt In Retirement Planning, Zibei Chen and Karen A. Zurlo


The Internet and K-12 Education: Capturing Digital Metrics During the COVID-19 Era, Joshua Childs and Z.W. Taylor


Impact of Molecular Design on Degradation Lifetimes of Degradable Imine-Based Semiconducting Polymers, Jerika A. Chiong, Yu Zheng, Song Zhang, Guorong Ma, Yilei Wu, Gradie Ngaruka, Yangju Lin, Xiaodan Gu, and Zhenan Bao


Discipline Specific Information Literacy In Higher Education, Laura Clark Hunt


Tour de Fort: Creating and Evaluating Guided Archaeology Tours, Laura Clark Hunt and Mike Thomin


Density Dependent Refueling of Migratory Songbirds During Stopover Within an Urbanizing Coastal Landscape, Emily B. Cohen, Jill M. Lafleur, and Frank R. Moore


Addressing Food Insecurity: A Qualitative Study of Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Food Access Resources., Amanda G. Conrad, Terezie Tolar-Peterson, Antonio J. Gardner, Tianlan Wei, and Marion W. Evans


Bottom‐Up versus Top‐Down Strategies for Morphology Control in Polymer‐Based Biomedical Materials, Alexander B. Cook and Tristan D. Clemons


Meningiomas in Ancient Human Populations, Della Collins Cook and Marie Elaine Danforth


Drift Macroalgal Distribution In Northern Gulf of Mexico Seagrass Meadows, Kelly M. Correia, Scott B. Alford, Benjamin A. Belgrad, Kelly M. Darnell, M. Zachary Darnell, Bradley T. Furman, Margaret O. Hall, Christian T. Hayes, Charles W. Martin, Ashley M. McDonald, and Delbert L. Smee


Global Patterns and Controls of Nutrient Immobilization On Decomposing Cellulose In Riverine Ecosystems, David M. Costello, Scott D. Tiegs, Luz Boyero, Cristina Coimbra, Krista Capps, Michael Danger, Paul C. Frost, Mark O. Gessner, Natalie A. Griffiths, Halvor M. Halvorson, Kevin A. Kuehn, Amy M. Marcarelli, Todd V. Royer, Devan M. Mathie, Ricardo J. Albariño, Clay Arango, Jukka Aroviita, Colden V. Baxter, Brent J. Bellinger, Andreas Bruder, Francis J. Burdon, Marcos Callisto, Antonio Camacho, Fanny Colas, Julien Cornut, Verónica Crespo-Pérez, Wyatt F. Cross, Alison M. Derry, Michael M. Douglas, Arturo Elosegi, Elvira de Eyto, Verónica Ferreira, Carmen Ferriol, Tadeusz Fleituch, Jennifer J. Follstad Shah, André Frainer, Erica A. Garcia, Liliana García, Pavel García, Darren P. Giling, R. Karina Gonzales-Pomar, Manuel A.S. Graça, Hans-Peter Grossart, François Guérold, Luiz U. Hepp, Scott N. Higgins, Takuo Hishi, Carlos Iñiguez-Armijos, Tomoya Iwata, Andrea E. Kirkwood, Aaron A. Koning, Sarian Kosten, Hjalmar Laudon, Peter R. Leavitt, Aurea L. Lemes da Silva, Shawn G. Leroux, Carri LeRoy, Peter J. Lisi, Frank O. Masese, Peter B. McIntyre, Brendan G. McKie, Adriana O. Medeiros, Marko Miliša, Yo Miyake, Robert Mooney, Tim Moulton, Jorge Nimptsch, Riku Paavola, Isabel Pardo, Ivan Y. Parnikova, Christopher J. Patrick, Edwin T.H.M. Peeters, Jesus Pozo, Brian Reid, John S. Richardson, José Rincón, Geta Risnoveanu, Christopher T. Robinson, Anna C. Santamans, Gelas Simiyu, Agnija Skuja, Jerzy Smykla, Ryan Sponseller, Franco Texeira-de Mello, Sirje Vilbaste, Verónica D. Villanueva, J. R. Webster, Stefan Woelfl, Marguerite A. Xenopolous, Adam Yates, Catherine M. Yule, Yixin Zhang, and Jacob A. Zwart


Machine Learning Makes Magnificent Macromolecules For Medicine, Veronica Cunitz, Evan Stacy, Penelope Jankoski, and Tristan Clemons


Transmuting Girls Into Women: Examining the Adultification of Black Female Sexual Assault Survivors Through Twitter Feedback, Michael G. Curtis, Annika S. Karlsen, and Leslie A. Anderson


Extended-Range Order In Tetrahedral Amorphous Semiconductors: The Case of Amorphous Silicon, Devilal Dahal, Stephen R. Elliott, and Parthapratim Biswas


mHealth Video Gaming For Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Among College Men-Qualitative Inquiry For Development, Gabrielle Darville-Sanders, Charkarra Anderson-Lewis, Michael Stellefson, Yu Hao Lee, Jann MacInnes, R. Morgan Pigg, Rebeccah Mercado, and Cheryl Gaddis


The Male Domain-Digital Game-Based Learning for Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Among Young Males, Gabrielle Darville-Sanders, Jade Burns, Tanaka Chavanduka, and Charkarra Anderson-Lewis


Meaning-Making Processes Across the Lifespan: An Investigation of the Developmental Course of Metacognitive Capacity, Beshaun J. Davis, Kelsey A. Bonfils, Aieyat Zalzala, Paul H. Lysaker, and Kyle S. Minor


Embedded Electrochemistry With a Miniaturized Drone-Based, Potensiostat System For Remote Detection Chemical Warfare Agents, Amer Dawoud, Rashid Mia, Arati Biswakarma, Jesy Motchaalangaram, Wujan Miao, and Karl Wallace


Supporting Teachers' Use of Classroom Management Strategies via Different School-Based Consultation Models: Which Is More Cost-Effective for Whom?, Emily R. DeFouw, Julie Sarno Owens, Samantha M. Margherio, and Steven Evans


Sorption of Cellulases in Biofilm Enhances Cellulose Degradation by Bacillus subtilis, Yijie Deng and Shiao Y. Wang


Personality In Animals, Amber J. de Vere


Synergistic Interactions Between α-Synuclein and Prion-Like C-Terminal Domain of TDP-43, Shailendra Dhakal and Vijay Rangachari


Distinct Neurotoxic TDP-43 Fibirl Polymorphs Are Generated By Heterotypic Interactions With α-Synuclein, Shailendra Dhakal, Alicia S. Robang, Nemil Bhatt, Nicha Puangmalai, Leiana Fung, Rakez Kayed, Anant K. Paravastu, and Vijayaraghavan Rangachari


Maximum Entropy Methods, Jiu Ding


Improving Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Blend Films Via Optimizing Solution-Processable Techniques and Controlling the Semiconductor Molecular Weight, Yafei Ding, Yingman Zhu, Heng Wang, Yunfei Wang, Xiaodan Gu, Xiaohong Wang, and Longzhen Qiu


Side Chain Engineering: Achieving Stretch-Induced Molecular Orientation and Enhanced Mobility in Polymer Semiconductors, Yafei Ding, Yingman Zhu, Xiaohong Wang, Yunfei Wang, Song Zhang, Guobing Zhang, Xiaodan Gu, and Longzhen Qiu


Multi-Substituted Quinolines as HIV-1 Integrase Allosteric Inhibitors, Long Phi Dinh, Jian Sun, Courtney D. Glenn, Krunal Patel, Julie A. Pigza, Matthew G. Donahue, Larry Yet, and Jacques Kessl


Investigation of Innovation In Wine Industry Via Meta-Analysis, Ali Dogru and Joseph Peyrefitte


Phase Specific Comparisons of High and Low Vertical Jump Performance In Collegiate Female Athletes, Paul T. Donahue, Megan Rush, Ayden K. McInnis, and Thomas Littlefield


Impact of Acute Caffeine Ingestion On Isometric Squat and Vertical Jump Performance, Paul T. Donahue, Alexander Wright, and Jared Victory


The Impact of Psychological Distress Due to COVID-19 on College Student Career Development, Sara Driver and Emily Bullock-Yowell


Mexctenapseudes boeschi, a New Tanaidacean Genus and Species (Crustacea: Peracarida: Apseudomorpha: Parapseudidae) From the Mexican Coast of Campeche With the Designation of a New Related Australian Genus to Receive Longiflagrum caeruleus (Boesch, 1973), David T. Drumm and Richard W. Heard


Mathematical Modeling and Climate: Incidence, Repercussion and Impact On Communicable Entities and Vector Organisms, Rigoberto Fimia Duarte, Ricardo Osés Rodríguez, David del Valle Laveaga, and Donald A. Yee


Diketoenamine‐Based Vitrimers via Thiol‐ene Photopolymerization, Logan D. Dugas, William D. Walker, Rahul Shankar, Keely S. Hoppmeyer, Travis L. Thornell, Sarah E. Morgan, Robson F. Storey, Derek L. Patton, and Yoan C. Simon


Morality as Cure and Poison in Nietzsche's Genealogy, Ian D. Dunkle


Nietzsche's Values by John Richardson, Ian D. Dunkle


Moving Out of Your Mind and Into Your Body: Yoga Buffers the Effects of Childhood Maltreatment On PTSD Symptoms, Nadia Dunn, Jacob Esplin, and Michael Fitzgerald


Isolation of Murine Bone Marrow-Derived Neutrophils for Infection Modeling, Laurel Duty and Amber M. Paul


Aquaculture and Blue Farming, Isa Elegbede, Akeem Babatunde Dauda, Nimah Folake Osho-Abdulgafar, Sholanke Odunayo Esther, Badmus Lateef, and Johnson Ifeoluwa Deborah


Influence of Market Type and Time of Purchase on Bacterial Counts and Salmonella and Listeria Prevalence in Whole Chickens in Vietnam, April K. Englishbey, Anuraj T. Sukumaran, Phuong T. T. Vu, Yen T. Thuc, Man V. V. Le, Dzung H. Nguyen, Paul R. Broadway, Lacey M. Guillen, Mindy M. Brashears, Janet R. Donaldson, M. Wes Schilling, Chelsie B. Dahlgren, Brian J. Rude, Mark A. Crenshaw, and Thu T. N. Dinh


Assessment Tools for Children who Experience Traumatic Loss: A Systematic Review, Naomi Ennis, Freddie A. Pastrana, Angela D. Moreland, Faraday Davies, Sara DelMas, and Alyssa Rheingold


Lacunarity As a Tool For Assessing Landscape Configuration Over Time and Informing Long-Term Monitoring: An Example Using Seagrass, Nicholas M. Enwright, Kelly M. Darnell, and Gregory A. Carter


Alignment of Optical Backscatter Measurements From the EXPORTS Northeast Pacific Field Deployment, Zachary K. Erickson, Ivona Cetinić, Xiaodong Zhang, Emmanuel Boss, P. Jeremy Werdell, Scott Freeman, Lianbo Hu, Craig Lee, Melissa Omand, and Mary Jane Perry


The Use of Wet Lab and Computational Docking Experiments To Elucidate Idiosyncrasies Associated With Amino Acid Activation, Kalii Faustino, Douglas Iverson, Payson Broome, Mylie Dela Rosa, Japheth Mobisa, Timothy Jordan, Dhathry Doppalapudi, Amran Mohamed, Kyra Samuel, Idiuso Okeke, Daniel Ghebreigziabher, Crystal Serrano, and Anthony J. Bell Jr.


Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale-Revised (CAMS-R), Greg Feldman, Morgan Westine, Audrey Edelman, Morgan Higgs, Megan Renna, and Jeffrey Greeson


Mouse Trophoblast Cells Can Provide IFN-Based Antiviral Protection to Embryonic Stem Cells Via Paracrine Signaling, Mona Fendereski, Biswas Neupane, Farzana Nazneen, Fengwei Bai, and Yan-Lin Guo


Sexual Victimization and Suicide Ideation: An Atemporal Indirect Effects Model, Ava K. Ferguson, Aleksandrs Karnick, Kendra Rigney, and Amy Brausch


Love Me In L1, But Hate Me In L2: How Native Speakers and Bilinguals Rate the Affectivity of Words When Feeling or Thinking About Them, Pilar Ferré, Marc Guasch, Hans Stadthagen-Gonzalez, and Montserrat Comesaña


Mapping Yellow Fever Epidemics As a Potential Indicator of the Historical Range of Aedes aegypti In the United States, Nicole S. Fijman and Donald A. Yee


Mapping Yellow fever Epidemics As a Potential Indicator of the Historical Range of Aedes aegypti In the United States, Nicole S. Fijman and Donald A. Yee


Does It Payoff To Be Blond In a Non-Blond Neighborhood? Eye Color, Hair Color, Ethnic Composition and Starting Wages, Elif S. Filiz


A Drive For Redemption: Relationship Quality As a Mediator Linking Childhood Maltreatment to Symptoms of Social Anxiety and Depression, Michael Fitzgerald


Attachment as a Mediator Linking Childhood Maltreatment to Attributions in Adult Intimate Relationships, Michael Fitzgerald


Childhood Maltreatment Is Associated with Adult Psychopathology through Decreased Dispositional Mindfulness, Michael Fitzgerald


Marital Quality as a Mechanism Linking Childhood Abuse to Mental Health, Michael Fitzgerald and Jacob Esplin


Childhood Embedded: Childhood Abuse and Chronic Physical Health Conditions Over a 10-Year Period, Michael Fitzgerald and Maxine Notice


The Longitudinal Association Between Childhood Abuse and Positive and Negative Family Interactions in Midlife and Older Adults: The Role of Mindfulness Meditiation and Gender, Michael Fitzgerald and Maxine Notice


Citizen Journalist Research Projects as Structured Service-Learning Experiences in General Education Coursework, Christopher D. Foley and Elizabeth Englebretson


Evaluation of the Good Behavior Game Using ClassDojo in Secondary Classrooms, W. Blake Ford, Keith C. Radley, Daniel H. Tingstrom, Evan H. Dart, and Brad A. Dufrene


A Perspective on the History and Current Opportunities of Aqueous RAFT Polymerization, Alexander W. Fortenberry, Penelope E. Jankoski, Evan K. Stacy, Charles L. McCormick, Adam E. Smith, and Tristan D. Clemons


Motivating and Supporting Academic Achievement in STEM Through Culturally Relevant Literacy Practices, A. Dean Franks and Anna Wan


Temperament, Erin E. Frick


Cookie Cutter Marketing Might Not Cut It: A Case Study On Men's Tennis Marketing, Alison Fridley, Stephen Dittmore, and Sarah Stokowski


The Middle Atlantic Bight Cold Pool is Warming and Shrinking: Indices From In Situ Autumn Seafloor Temperatures, Kevin D. Friedland, Travis Miles, Andrew G. Goode, Eric N. Powell, and Damian C. Brady


Hepatitis B Screening, Vaccination, and Linkage to Care: Lessons Learned from a Mississippi Vietnamese Community, Tanya Funchess, Danielle Fastring, Victoria Walker, Victor D. Sutton, Coi Nguyen, Daniel Le, Xuan Tran, Kiet Nguyen, and Jane Nguyen


The Perceptions and Lived Experiences of African-American Pastors at the Onslaught of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mississippi, Tanya Funchess, Traci Hayes, Samaria Lowe, Susan Mayfield-Johnson, and LaWanda Baskin


Elucidating the Role of Hydrogen Bonds for Improved Mechanical Properties in a High-Performance Semiconducting Polymer, Luke A. Galuska, Michael U. Ocheje, Zachary C. Ahmad, Simon Rondeau-Gagné, and Xiaodan Gu


Illuminating the Rigid Amorphous Fraction of Semiconducting Polymers, and its Pivotal Influence on Optoelectronic and Mechanical Performance, Luke Galuska, Dung T. Tran, Gage Mason, Simon R. Gagne, Jianguo Mei, and Xiaodan Gu


Rickettsia parkeri Infection Modulates the Sialome and Ovariome of the Gulf Coast Tick, Amblyomma maculatum, Melina Garcia Guizzo, Khemraj Budachetri, Abdulsalam Adegoke, Jose M.C. Ribeiro, and Shahid Karim


The Influence of Shoe and Cleat Type on Lower Extremity Muscle Activation in Youth Baseball Pitchers, Jacob R. Gdovin, Chip Wade, Lauren A. Luginsland, Charles C. Williams, Riley Galloway, and John C. Garner