Volume 12, Issue 1 (2019)
Fostering the Development of Social Capital to Enrich Student Experiences Through After-School Digital Tutoring Programs
Chientzu Candace Chou, Hsueh-Hua Chuang, and Aura N. Wharton-Beck
Using Microsoft HoloLens to improve memory recall in anatomy and physiology: A pilot study to examine the efficacy of using augmented reality in education
chen chen, Lei Zhang, Tony Luczak, Eboni Smith, and Reuben F. Burch
Social Media in Dynamic Learning: Logistics and Influential Factors
Leping Liu, Li-Ting Chen, and Wenzhen Li
Design Variables for Self-Directed Learning in MOOC Environment
Tai Wang, Juhong Christie Liu, and Tonggui Li

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