Submissions from 2005
Comparative Validation of a Bilingual Interactive Multimedia Dietary Assessment Tool, Jamie M. Zoellner, Jennifer Anderson, and Susan Martin Gould
Submissions from 2004
Dietary Intake in the Lower Mississippi Delta Region: Results from the Foods of our Delta Study, Catherine M. Champagne, Margaret L. Bogle, Bernestine B. McGee, M. Kathleen Yadrick, H. Raymond Allen, Tim R. Kramer, Pippa Simpson, Jeffrey Gossett, and Judith Weber
Food Security of Older Children Can Be Assessed Using a Standardized Survey Instrument, Carol L. Connell, Mark Nord, Kristi L. Lofton, and M. Kathleen Yadrick
Cognitive Testing and Scaling Analysis of Food Security Survey Module for Children, Carol L. Connell, M Nord, K Lofton, and T Rehner
Measuring Self-Reported Behavior, Social Support and Self-Efficacy to Choose Fruits and Vegetables in Children, Katherine Davis, Muriel Azria-Evans, Carol L. Connell, M. Kathleen Yadrick, Kristi Lofton, and Margaret Bogle
Food Security and Weight Status in Lower Mississippi River Delta Children, David Harsha, Carol L. Connell, Catherine Champagne, Patrick Casey, James Robbins, Pippa Simpson, Janice Stuff, Judith Weber, Beverly McCabe-Sellers, Kitty Szeto, Jeffrey Gossett, Tim Kramer, and Margaret Bogle
Children's Interpretation of Standard USDA Food Security Survey Terms, Kristi L. Lofton, Carol L. Connell, and M. Kathleen Yadrick
Predictors of Children's Body Mass Index: A Longitudinal Study of Diet and Growth in Children Aged 2-8y, J.D. Skinner, W. Bounds, B.R. Carruth, M. Morris, and P. Ziegler
Household Food Insecurity is Associated With Adult Health Status, Janice E. Stuff, Patrick H. Casey, Kitty L. Szeto, Jeffrey M. Gossett, James M. Robbins, Pippa M. Simpson, Carol Connell, and Margaret L. Bogle
Limited Availability of Food Choices in the Lower Mississippi Delta, M. Kathleen Yadrick, Pippa Simpson, Margaret L. Bogle, Renee Hall, Ann Beardshall, Bernestine McGee, and Susan Goolsby
Submissions from 2003
Comparison between Ketogenic and Low-Fat Diets on High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein and Inflammatory Cytokines in Normal-Weight Women, TP Scheett, MT Whitehead, RL Franco, and RK Evans
Longitudinal Calcium Intake is Negatively Related to Children's Body Fat Indexes, Jean D. Skinner, Wendy Bounds, Betty Ruth Carruth, and Paula Ziegler
Understanding Community Food Environment: An Instrument to Evaluate Food Availability and Affordability, M. Kathleen Yadrick, Margaret L. Bogle, Bernestine McGee, Ann Beardshall, Pippa Simpson, and Susan Goolsby
Submissions from 2002
Results from a Church-Based Weight Control Study: The Shiloh Health Obedience Program, S. Paeratakul, B. Kennedy, C. Champagne, and M. Bogle
Submissions from 2001
Validity of a Telephone-Administered 24-hour Dietary Recall in Telephone and Non-Telephone Households in the Rural Lower Mississippi Delta Region, Margaret Bogle, Janice Stuff, Leroy Davis, Ivis Forrester, Earline Strickland, Patrick H. Casey, Donna Ryan, Catherine Champagne, Bernestine McGee, Kirkland Mellad, Edith Neal, Sahar Zaghloul, M. Kathleen Yadrick, and Jacqueline Horton
Food Insufficiency and the Use of Food Assistance Programs in the South, Carol L. Connell, Kathleen Yadrick, Agnes Hinton, and Joseph Su
Factors Associated with Urinary Loss of Vitamin A in Children with Watery Diarrhea, Amal K. Mitra, M Wahed, A Chowdhury, and CB Stephensen
Submissions from 2000
Eating for IBS: 175 Delicious, Nutritious, Low-Fat, Low-Residue Recipes to Stabilize the Touchiest Tummy, Carol Cubberley
Influence of Food Choices on High School Students' Perception of School Foodservice, Mary Kay Meyer
Top Predictors of Middle/Junior High School Students' Satisfaction with School Foodservice and Nutrition Programs, Mary Kay Meyer
Genistein Inhibits Growth of Estrogen-Independent Human Breast Cancer Cells in Culture but not in Athymic Mice, Ross C. Santell, Ngoc Kieu, and William G. Helferich
Submissions from 1999
Are New Meal Distributing Systems Worth the Effort for Improving Patient Satisfaction with Foodservice?, Laurel G. Lambert, Jane Boudreaux, Martha Conklin, and M. Kathleen Yadrick
Submissions from 1998
Variables Affecting High School Students' Perceptions of School Foodservice, Mary Kay Meyer and Martha T. Conklin
Submissions from 1997
Nutrient Accretion in Preterm Infants Fed Formula With Different Protein: Energy Ratios, Ann Fairey, Nancy Butte, Nitesh Mehta, Mary Thotathuchery, Richard Schanler, and William Heird
Analysis of the Decision to Select a Conventional or Cook-Chill System for Hospital Foodservice, Mary Frances Nettles, Mary B. Gregoire, and Deborah D. Canter
Submissions from 1996
Benefits of Training Dietetics Students in Preprofessional Practice Programs: A Comparison With Dietetic Internships, Judith A. Gilbride and Martha T. Conklin
Antioxidant Properties of the Hydrophobic Stilbenol Chlorophorin, J. Minn, W.H. Daly, I.I. Negulescu, K.D. McMurtrey, and T.P. Schultz
Submissions from 1995
Nutrition Service and Education Needs of Children With Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses, N. S. Baggett, M. K. Yadrick, D. Quebedeau, and T. Carithers
Soy Protein, Thyroid Regulation and Cholesterol-Metabolism, William A. Forsythe III
Nutrition Services for Children with Special Needs in Child Care Programs, M. K. Yadrick, D. Ondrejcak, and D. Quebedeau
Submissions from 1994
Copper Chelation Assay for Histamine in Tuna, R.C. Bateman Jr., D.B. Eldridge, S. Wade, J. McCoy-Messer, E.L.E. Jester, and D.E. Mowdy
A Panel Discussion: Where Should We Focus Our Attention?, C. Clifford, C.S. Khoo, N. Ernst, and F.E. Scarbrough
Celebration of the Past: Nutrition at USDA, Gerald F. Combs
W.O. Atwater Centennial Celebration Symposium: An Evaluation of Progress in Human-Nutrition - Proceedings From a Symposium Held in Washington, DC June 2-4, 1993 - Preface, Gerald F. Combs and W. Mertz
Direct Economic Benefits Associated With Dietetic Internships, Martha T. Conklin and Margaret D. Simko
Quality of Patient Meal Service in Hospitals: Delivery of Meals by Dietary Employees vs. Delivery by Nursing Employees, Mary B. Gregoire
Incorporation of Continuous Quality Improvement in a Hospital Dietary Department's Quality Management Program, Nancy R. Letort and J. Boudreaux
Nutrition Services for Children with Developmental Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses in Education Programs, M. Kathleen Yadrick and Jeannie Sneed
Submissions from 1993
Arnold Edward Schaefer (1917-1992) - Biographical Article, G.F. Combs
Use of Capital-Budgeting Techniques by Foodservice Directors in For-Profit and Not-For-Profit Hospitals, Rebecca DeYoung Daniels and Mary B. Gregoire
Operational Characteristics of Hospital Foodservice Departments with Conventional, Cook-Chill, and Cook-Freeze Systems, Mary Frances Nettles and Mary B. Gregoire
Relevance of Competences to Graduate-Education and Experience in Foodservice Management, Mary Frances Nettles, Mary B. Gregoire, and Charles G. Partlow
Comparison of Nutrient Content of 2 Types of Frozen Meals for a Nutrition Program for the Elderly, Carol A. Perlmutter and Mary B. Gregoire
Changes in Cortical Bone-Histology of Pregnant Rats on 2 Levels of Dietary Calcium and Exercise, R.T. Smith, N.L. Callis, and R.D. Lewis
Submissions from 1992
Profile of Blacks Employed in Dietetics and Nutrition, S.R. Colson, E.R. Smith, and E.R. Palan
Influence of 2 Levels of Dietary Calcium and Exercise on Selected Bone Parameters of Pregnant Rats, R.T. Smith, L.N. Callis, M.A. Johnson, and R.D. Lewis
Submissions from 1991
Factors Influencing Success of Dietitians Employed in Business and Industry, L.J. Boudreaux, C.W. Shanklin, and J.T. Johnson
Serving Children With Special Health Care Needs: Nutrition Services and Employee Training Needs in the School Lunch Program, L.T. Gandy, M. Kathleen Yadrick, L.J. Boudreaux, and E.R. Smith
Are Low Cronbach-Alpha Values Reliable?–Reply, J. Sneed
Submissions from 1990
Dietary Proteins, Cholesterol and Thyroxine: A Proposed Mechanism, William Albert Forsythe III