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Submissions from 1990
Below the Magic Mountain: A Social History of Tuberculosis in 20th Century Britain, L. Margaret Barnett
British Agricultural Policy 1912-36: A Study in Conservative Politics, Margaret Barnett
The Life Planning Booklet, Joel R. Barton, Eugene Barnes, and Steven R. Furney
Additional Observations on Variations in Egg Size Among Populations of Streptocephalus-Seali (Anostraca), Denton Belk, Gary Anderson, and Sheau-Yu Hsu
How to Beat Dr. Feel Good', D.C. Berry
Sparrow, D.C. Berry
Changes in Biochemical Composition During Embryogenesis of the Deep Sea Red Crab Chaceon quinquedens, Patricia M. Biesiot and H.M. Perry
Comparison of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (Achievement Scale) and the Basic Achievement Skills Individual Screener for Learning Disabled Students, Beverly S. Blount and James E. Whorton
Blood Lactate Response To Weightlifting In Endurance and Weight Trained Men, Stanley Brown, Walter Thompson, John Bailey, Kent Johnson, Larry Wood, Mark Bean, and Deon Thompson
Providing Direction: Less Odious Performance Appraisals, Stephen C. Bushardt, J.M. Jenkins, and P.B. Cumbest
Nucleic Acid Sequence Analysis Software for Microcomputers, Gordon C. Cannon
Partial Purification and Characterization of a DNA Helicase from Chloroplasts of Glycine Max, Gordon C. Cannon and Sabine Heinhorst
Relationship Between Academic Placement and Perception of Abuse of the Voice, Margaret F. Carlin, Richard D. Saniga, and Nancy Dennis
Polymeric Catalysts Based on 4-(Diallylamino)Pyridine, Gustavo Cei and Lon J. Mathias
The AAMD ABS-SE Part Two: Criterion-Related Validity in a Behavior-Disordered Sample, Gail M. Cheramie and Ron P. Edwards
Pyrimidine Biosynthetic Pathway of Pseudomona's Fluorescens, Chien-Peng Chu and Thomas P. West
Pyrimidine Ribonucleoside Catabolism in Pseudomonas fluorescens Biotype - A, Chien-Peng Chu and Thomas P. West
Fascism and Politics in Peru During the Benavides Regime, 1933-39: The Italian Perspective, Orazio Ciccarelli
Children's Death Concepts: Relationship to Cognitive Functioning, Age, Experience With Death, Fear of Death, and Hopelessness, C. Randy Cotton and Lillian M. Range
A General Free Volume Based Theory for the Diffusion of Large Molecules in Amorphous Polymers Above Tg .3. Theoretical Conformational Analysis of Molecular Shape, Christopher C. Coughlin, Kenneth A. Mauritz, and Robson F. Storey
Effect of Fabric Washing on the Presumptive Identification of Bloodstains, M. Cox
Chromophore Aggregation and Concomitant Wavelength Dependent Photochemistry of a Main Chain Liquid Crystalline Poly(aryl Cinnamate), David Creed, Anselm C. Griffin, Charles E. Hoyle, and Krishnan Venkataram
Role of Aggregates In the Wavelength-Dependent Photochemistry of a Main-Chain Liquid-Crystalline Polyaryl Cinnamate, David Creed, Anselm C. Griffin, Charles E. Hoyle, and Krishnan Venkataram
Southern Timberman: The Legacy of William Buchanan, Ralph D. Cross
Radicals of Abelian Groups, Doyle O. Cutler and Temple H. Fay
Patterns of Interobserver and Intraobserver Error in Scoring Enamel Microdefects, Marie E. Danforth and J.A. Giliberti
Basic Statistical Analysis, 3rd Edition, Larry G. Daniel
Impediments to Faculty Involvement in Grant Related Activities: A Case Study, Larry G. Daniel and Irene Gallaher
Gulick Efficiency: The Administrative Management View, Charles R. Davis
Public Organizational Existence: A Critique of Individualism in Democratic Administration, Charles R. Davis
A Midwives Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard Based On Her Diary, 1785-1812, D. Davis
The Lithium Chloride/Dimethylacetamide Solvent for Cellulose: A Literature Review, T.R. Dawsey and Charles L. McCormick
Preschool Screening Test, Brenda Dawson and Nowell D. Bryant
Working with the Elderly: An Introduction, Valerie Decoux
Behavior of the Anchoring Strength Coefficient Near a Structural Transition at a Nematic Substrate Interface, Gregory A. Di Lisi, Charles Rosenblatt, Anselm C. Griffin, and Uma Hari
Splay Elasticity in an Oligomeric Liquid Crystal, Gregory A. Dilisi, Charles Rosenblatt, Anselm C. Griffin, and Uma Hari
An Algorithm Based on Weighted Logarithmic Barrier Functions for Linear Complementarity Problems, Jiu Ding and T.Y. Li
Estuarine-Shelf Exchange Using Landsat Images of Discharge Plumes, Scott P. Dinnel, William W. Schroeder, and William J. Wiseman Jr.
Atlas Draw, Julie Elbert
Test-Retest Stability of WISC-R IQS Among Young Gifted Students, John T. Ellzey and Frances A. Karnes
Categorically Compact Locally Nilpotent Groups, Temple H. Fay and Gary L. Walls
Genevan Scholars in Intellectual Europe: From the 17th Century to the Middle of the 19th Century - French, Theodore S. Feldman
Analysis of Sensor Resources Deployment in an Escape Evasion Scenario, Mark R. Fernandez and James E. Miller
On a Sphere Performing Linear and Torsional Oscillations in a Viscous Fluid - Comment, R.F. Folse and J.C. Nieuwoudt
Dietary Proteins, Cholesterol and Thyroxine: A Proposed Mechanism, William Albert Forsythe III
Behavioral Strategies for Alcohol-Abuse Prevention with High-Risk College Males, Royce B. Garvin, John D. Alcorn, and Kim K. Faulkner
Self Esteem Enhancement with Children and Adolescents, Lane F. Geddie
The Impact of Unemployment Insurance Benefits on the Probability of Migration of the Unemployed, Ernie Goss and Chris Paul
Union Membership, Economic Rents, and Migration Behavior, Ernst Goss and Chris Paul
The Use of Spreadsheet Packages in Industrial Engineering: The Case of Regression Analysis with Binary Dependent Variables, Ernst P. Goss and Bernard J. Schroer
Gel Effect Leading to High Molecular Weight Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers, Anselm C. Griffin and Sarah L. Sullivan
Turner's Forgotten Frontier: The Old Southwest, John D. W. Guice
Self Evaluation of Physical Attractiveness as a Function of Self-Esteem and Defensiveness, Ernest B. Gurman and Mark Balban
Study Abroad: A Case Study in International Education, Ernest B. Gurman, William B. Taylor, and Tim W. Hudson
Behavioral Responsiveness in Sleeping Older Adults, John R. Harsh, Bruce Purvis, Pietro Badia, and Jon Magee
Films and Videotapes on Neurobiology and Behavior, Nathan H. Hart and Gary Anderson
The Sources of Fritz Lang's Die Nibelungen, Stanley R. Hauer
Chloroplast and Mitochondrial: DNA Polymerases From Cultured Soybean Cells, Sabine Heinhorst, Gordon C. Cannon, and Arthur Weissbach
Risk Reduction and Informal Interpersonal Influence: Industrial Marketing Magagement Perspectives, Tony L. Henthorne, Michael S. LaTour, and Alvin J. Williams
Clinical Practice in Music Education, Sherman Hong
Invariance Principles and Asymptotic Constancy of Solutions of Precompact Functional Differential Equations, William E. Hornor
Photocurable Coatings, Charles E. Hoyle
Laser-Initiated Polymerization of Multifunctional Acrylates: Repetition Rate Effects on Percent Conversion, Charles E. Hoyle and Martin A. Trapp
Semiautomatic Determination of Citation Relevancy: User Evaluation, G. David Huffman
Generating Indices With Lexical Association Methods: Term Uniqueness, G. David Huffman, Dennis A. Vital, and Royal G. Bivins Jr.
Solid State C-13 NMR Study of Polyethylene Reactor Powders, William L. Jarrett, Lon J. Mathias, and Roger S. Porter
Correlations Between Personality and Leadership Concepts and Skills as Measured by the High School Personality Questionnaire and the Leadership Skills Inventory, Frances A. Karnes and Victor D'llio
Self-Actualization of Gifted Youth as Measured on the Reflections of Self by Youth, Frances A. Karnes and Victor R. D'llio
Sex-Role Stereotyping of Leadership Positions by Student Leaders, Frances A. Karnes and Victor R. D'llio
Products of Chemistry - Happy and Unhappy Balls: Neoprene and Polynorbornene, George B. Kauffman, Stewart W. Mason, and Raymond B. Seymour
Products of Chemistry: Elastomers: I. Natural-Rubber, George B. Kauffman and Raymond B. Seymour
The Nation's Newsbrokers, Vol. 1, The Formative Years: From Pretelegraph to 1865, A.J. Kaul
Accuracy of Long Momentary Time-Sampling Intervals: Implications for Classroom Data Collection, Kathleen Kearns, Ron Edwards, and Daniel H. Tingstrom
Water Balance in the Black Sea, S. Kempe, G. Liebezett, A.-R. Diercks, and Vernon L. Asper
Stable Gravity Wave of Arbitrary Amplitude in Finite Depth, Kern E. Kenyon and David Sheres
In Search of Solutions: A New Direction in Psychotherapy, Dave Kerby
Mechanisms in a Biomimetic Hydroxylation of a Chemical Probe - 5-Nitroacenaphthene, Rajive K. Khanna, Jody S. Sutherlin, and David Lindsey
New Production at the Vertex Time-Series Site, George A. Knauer, Donald G. Redalje, William G. Harrison, and David M. Karl
A 'Streetcar Named Desire', A Playwrights Forum: Introduction, Philip C. Kolin
Hurlyburly' in Stockholm + Rabe Drama About Contemporary America, Philip C. Kolin
Notices of David Rabe's First Play 'The Chameleon' (1959), Philip C. Kolin
Tennessee Williams, Philip C. Kolin
The London Premiere of the 'Zoo Story', Edward Albee and The British Press, Philip C. Kolin
Nonuniform Effective Temperatures in Ising Models on Tangled Chains, J.C. Lee, James M. Stephens, Lawrence R. Mead, and R.F. Joyce
In Situ Formation of New Crosslinking Agents From Acrylate Derivatives and Bisepoxides, Soo Lee, Shelby F. Thames, and Lon J. Mathias
An Extension of Underwater Explosive Models to Include the High Frequency Transients Following Pulse Maxima, Allen E. Leybourne
Purification and Characterization of a DNA Polymerase From the Cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans R2, Hsiu-Jin Lin, Gordon C. Cannon, and Sabine Heinhorst
Enhanced Primary Production at the Plume Oceanic Interface of the Mississippi River, Steven E. Lohrenz, Michael J. Dagg, and Terry E. Whitledge
Energy Demands of Migration on Red-Eyed Vireos, Vireo olivaceus, Diane E. Loria and Frank R. Moore
On the Shores of Lethe: C.S. Lewis and the Romantics, Anne Lundin
First and Second Order Change: Implications for Rationalist and Constructivist Cognitive Therapies, William J. Lyddon
Student Employment May Undermine School Experience, Shiela S. MacArthur, Edgar H. Bedenbaugh, and Rex Leonard
Classroom Environment and Locus of Control in Identifying High and Low Self-Concept in 4th Graders and 5th Graders, Stephen Madonna, Glenda K. Bailey, and Andrea L. Wesley
Oligoether-Ester Crosslinking Agents via Alpha-Substitution of Bisacrylates, Lon J. Mathias and Carroll W. Dickerson
Solid State N-15 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of N-15 Labeled Nylon-6 and Nylon-11: Observation of Multiple Crystalline Forms and Amorphous Regions, Lon J. Mathias, Douglas G. Powell, Jean-Phillipe Autran, and Roger S. Porter
N-15 NMR Characterization of Multiple Crystal Forms and Phase Transiitons in Polyundecanamide (Nylon 11), Lon J. Mathias, Douglas J. Powell, Jean-Philippe Autran, and Roger S. Porter
Novel Poly(normal-butyl Methacrylate) Titanium-Oxide Alloys Produced by the Sol-Gel Process for Titanium Alkoxides, Kenneth A. Mauritz and C.K. Jones
Microstructural Evolution of a Silicon Oxide Phase in a Perfluorosulfonic Acid Ionomer by an In Situ Sol-Gel Reaction .2. Dielectric Relaxation Studies, Kenneth A. Mauritz and I.D. Stefanithis
A General Free Volume Based Theory for the Diffusion of Large Molecules in Amorphous Polymers Above Tg .2. Molecular Shape Dependence, Kenneth A. Mauritz and Robson F. Storey
A General Free Volume Based Theory for the Diffusion of Large Molecules in Amorphous Polymers Above TG .1. Application to Di-Normal-Alkyl Phthalates in PVC, Kenneth A. Mauritz, Robson F. Storey, and Scott E. George