
Submissions from 2007


Individualized Education Programs For Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorders, Susan M. Wilczynski, Kathryn Menousek, Melissa Hunter, and Dipti Mudgal

Submissions from 2006


Development of a Competency-Based Assessment Process for Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences, Lilian H. Hill, Jeffrey C. Delafuente, Brigitte L. Sicat, and Cynthia K. Kirkwood

Submissions from 2004


Assessing Potentially Gifted Students From Lower Socioeconomic Status With Nonverbal Measures of Intelligence, Elizabeth Shaunessy, Frances A. Karnes, and Yolanda Cobb

Submissions from 2003


Drama Activities That Promote and Extend Your Students' Vocabulary Proficiency, Sheila R. Alber and Carolyn R. Foil


Developmental Variations in Learning: Applications to Social, Executive Function, Language, and Reading Skills, Amy Bisland


What Do I See? What Do I Think? What Do I Wonder? (STW): A Visual Literacy Strategy to Help Emergent Readers Focus on Storybook Illustrations, Janet C. Richards and Nancy A. Anderson


Three Steps Forward, One Step Back: Two Preservice Teachers Learn to Teach In Consecutive, Field-Based Literacy Courses, Janet C. Richards and Donna Brumfield


Disciplinary Border Crossing: Adopting a Broader Richer View of Literacy, Dana G. Thames and Kathleen C. York

Submissions from 2002


Teaching Elementary Students With Cognitive Disabilities Food Preparation Skills While Embedding Instructive Feedback in the Prompt and Consequent Event, Renee Schmitz Fiscus, John W. Schuster, Timothy E. Morse, and Belva C. Collins


Fun and Effective Ways to Build Your Students' Vocabulary, Carolyn R. Foil and Sheila R. Alber


Strategic Reading: Guiding Students to Lifelong Literacy 6-12, Sarah H. Martin


Using the Nominal Group Technique for Homework Communication Decisions an Exploratory Study, Janet S. Nelson, Madhavi Jayanthi, Carmen S. Brittain, Michael H. Epstein, and William D. Bursuck


Listening Up: Reinventing Ourselves as Teachers and Students, Margaret-Mary Sulentic

Submissions from 2001


The Write Way: Tips for Teaching the Writing Process to Resistant Writers, Marti L. Marchisan and Sheila R. Alber


Super Simple Storytelling: A Can-Do Guide for Every Classroom, Every Day, Michael A. Martin


Designing Appropriate Curriculum for Special Education Students in Urban Schools, Timothy E. Morse


Teaching the Art of Poetry: The Moves, Margaret-Mary Sulentic

Submissions from 2000


How Many Words Can Your Students Read? Using a Sign Language Game to Increase Sight Word Recognition, Kathleen B. Brennan and April D. Miller


Make Their Days: Activities for Residents in Long-Term Care, Valerie DeCoux


Self-Concept in Gifted Youth: An Investigation Employing the Piers-Harris Subscales, Joan D. Lewis and Harold V. Knight


Risking Intensity: Reading and Writing Poetry with High School Students, Sarah H. Martin


Student Preferences for Adaptations in Classroom Testing, Janet S. Nelson, Madhavi Jayanthi, Michael H. Epstein, and William D. Bursuck


Improving Quality of Life for Adults with Mental Retardation Through Inclusive Recreation, E. Pheal and F. Green


State Definitions for the Gifted and Talented Revisited, Kristen R. Stephens and Frances A. Karnes

Submissions from 1999


Examining Newspaper Coverage of Mental Retardation, Melissa Louise Matthews


Use of Nonverbal Measures of Intelligence in Identification of Culturally Diverse Gifted Students in Rural Areas, Kristen Stephens, Leslie Kiger, Frances A. Karnes, and James E. Whorton

Submissions from 1998


Teaching Middle School Students with Learning Disabilities to Recruit Positive Teacher Attention, Sheila R. Alber, William L. Heward, and Brooke J. Hippler

New Ways in Teaching Grammar, ER Graham

Submissions from 1997


Impact of Inclusion Education On Academic Achievement, Student Behavior and Self-Esteem, and Parental Attitudes, Larry G. Daniel and Debra A. King


Enhancing Reading and Writing Through Competitions, Frances A. Karnes and Tracy L. Riley

Submissions from 1996


Leadership and the Gifted, Frances A. Karnes and Suzanne M. Bean


Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary Students-Primary: Examiner's Manual, J. Christopher McGinnis, Frances A. Karnes, and J. Christopher McGinnis


Views of Students with Learning Disabilities of Their Homework in General Education Classes: Student Interviews, Valerie Sawyer, Janet S. Nelson, Madhavi Jayanthi, William D. Bursuck, and Michael H. Epstein

Submissions from 1995


Homework-Communication Problems Among Parent, Classroom Teachers, and Special Education Teachers: An Exploratory Study, Madhavi Jayanthi, Janet S. Nelson, Valerie Sawyer, William D. Bursuck, and Michael H. Epstein


Recommendations for Homework-Communication Problems: From Parents, Classroom Teachers, and Special-Education Teachers, Madhavi Jayanthi, Valerie Sawyer, Janet S. Nelson, William D. Bursuck, and Michael H. Epstein


Self-Actualization and Locus of Control of Gifted-Children in 4th Through 8th Grades, Frances A. Karnes and J. Christopher McGinnis


A Study of Self-Actualization and Self-Concept in Intellectually Gifted Students, Joan D. Lewis, Frances A. Karnes, and Harold V. Knight


What's the Structure: A Game to Help Middle School Students Recognize Common Writing Patterns, Janet C. Richards and Joan P. Gipe

Submissions from 1994


Effects of Immediate and Delayed Error Correction on the Acquisition and Maintenance of Sight Words by Students With Developmental Disabilities, Patricia M. Barbetta, William L. Heward, Donna M. Bradley, and April D. Miller


Gifted Education and Discrimination: The Role of the Office for Civil-Rights, Ronald G. Marquardt and Frances A. Karnes


Find the Features and Connect Them, Janet C. Richards, Joan G. Gipe, and Mary Ann Necaise


Intellectually Gifted Elementary Students Perceptions of Leadership, Tracy L. Riley and Frances A. Karnes

Submissions from 1993


Self-Perceived Strengths in Leadership Abilities Between Suburban and Rural Gifted Students Using the Leadership Strengths Indicator, Trudy Abel and Frances A. Karnes


An Inservice Model to Impact Life-Science Classroom Practice: Part Two, David P. Butts, Wyatt Anderson, Mary Atwater, Thomas Koballa, Patricia Simmons, and Rosalina Hairston


Leadership Skills and Self-Actualization of School Age Children, Frances A. Karnes, David M. Deason, and Victor D'llio


Self-Actualization in Junior High Students: A Pilot Study, Joan D. W. Lewis


A Developmental Approach to Teaching Geography in the Primary Grades, Jesse Palmer, Ben Smith, and Cathy Grace


Using Games to Help Young and At-Risk Children Respond to Story Characters, Janet C. Richards


Getting to Know Story Characters: A Strategy for Young and At-Risk Readers, Janet C. Richards and Joan P. Gipe

Submissions from 1992


An Inservice Model to Impact Life Science Classroom Practice: Part One, David P. Butts, Wyatt Anderson, Mary Atwater, Thomas Koballa, Patricia Simmons, and Rosalina Hairston


Student Leaders and Their Parents Perceptions of Social Skills, Victor R. D'llio and Frances A. Karnes


Activating Background Knowledge: Strategies for Beginning and Poor Readers, Janet Clarke Richards and Joan P. Gipe


Comparison of Parents Leadership Styles: Perceptions of Parents and Student Leaders, James E. Whorton and Frances A. Karnes


Examining an Assumption of Linkage Between Lesson Planning and Implementation, Trena Wilkerson and Anthony J. Scheffler

Submissions from 1991


Locus of Control in Rural Southern Elementary Gifted Students, Frances A. Karnes and Victor R. D'llio


Self-Control in a Sample of Elementary School-Age Gifted Youth, Frances A. Karnes and Victor R. D'llio


Teacher Certification and Endorsement in Gifted Education: Past, Present, and Future, Frances A. Karnes and James E. Whorton


Comparison of the Diagnostic Achievement Battery and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Revised: A Pilot Study, Robert L. Morgan and James E. Whorton


Graduate Degree Programs and Resource Centers in Gifted Education: An Update and Analysis, Jeanette P. Parker and Frances A. Karnes


Earth Science Education in Southern Mississippi, Isadore L. Sonnier and James V. Landrum

Submissions from 1990


Comparison of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (Achievement Scale) and the Basic Achievement Skills Individual Screener for Learning Disabled Students, Beverly S. Blount and James E. Whorton


Relationship Between Academic Placement and Perception of Abuse of the Voice, Margaret F. Carlin, Richard D. Saniga, and Nancy Dennis


Study Abroad: A Case Study in International Education, Ernest B. Gurman, William B. Taylor, and Tim W. Hudson


Correlations Between Personality and Leadership Concepts and Skills as Measured by the High School Personality Questionnaire and the Leadership Skills Inventory, Frances A. Karnes and Victor D'llio


Self-Actualization of Gifted Youth as Measured on the Reflections of Self by Youth, Frances A. Karnes and Victor R. D'llio


Sex-Role Stereotyping of Leadership Positions by Student Leaders, Frances A. Karnes and Victor R. D'llio


Consolidating Perceptions of Middle School Teaching Through Participatory-Type Early Field Experiences, Bobby D. Moore and Rex Leonard


What a Teacher Can Learn From a Coach, Jesse Palmer and Ben Smith


State Incentive Characteristics, Johnny R. Purvis, John C. Stone, and Susan Hart-Hester


Comparison of the Test of Nonverbal Intelligence and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Revised in Rural Native American and White Children, James E. Whorton and Robert L. Morgan